gawindx / WinNUT-Client

This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to setup WinNUT Client on Win 10 with synology #47

Closed witzker closed 1 year ago

witzker commented 3 years ago

I put in the NUT Host IP As port for Synology 3493 Smart-UPS C 1500 as shown in Synology Host

username and PW for Synology Admin

When I click connect nothing happens. Pls Help

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

When I was setting up the original NUT software to talk to a Synology host, I found out that Synology uses a hardcoded username/password to connect to their NUT software. In /etc/syno/etc/ups/ups.users, the username is monuser and password is secret. Although when I just tried this with WinNUT, it did not indicate a successful or failed connection, so I think it may be silently failing somewhere.

FileCity commented 3 years ago

I always setup my NUT server (with the UPS connected to it) on a Linux machine and then I setup each clients. You can use a Raspberry Pi as server, works very well and it's using the complete NUT package with all options available.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Update for @witzker: I was able to get this working with my Synology device.

On your Diskstation web page, go to Control Panel, Hardware & Power, then click on the UPS tab. Make sure Enable UPS server is checked, then click the Permitted DiskStation devices button. Type in the IP address for your computer running WinNUT. You might need to put in both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, I'm not clear on which one is preferred. After you've done that, click OK and then Apply. Now open the Options for WinNUT. Type in the hostname or IP for your diskstation in NUT host. Port can be left at 3493, and UPS Name left at UPSName. For login, type upsmon, and for password, type secret. Click OK, and it should connect.

Please let us know if you have any issues with this.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

@tgp1994 Can you take some screenshots and post them? I will have to do a wiki one day or another and that will allow me to inform specific cases.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Sure! Here's the first part:


  1. Navigate to DiskStation's webui
  2. Open Control Panel
  3. Find the Hardware & Power section
  4. Open the UPS tab
  5. Make sure Enable network UPS server is checked, then click Permitted DistStation Devices
  6. Put in the WinNUT's client IP address, and click OK
  7. Finally click Apply (important!)

Finaly step, in WinNUT:


  1. Open WinNUT, and open the Settings menu.
  2. Put in the hostname or IP address of your DiskStation.
  3. Set login and password as I've set
  4. Click OK, and it should connect.
SeeBer61 commented 3 years ago

I've just recently set up my UPS (APC Back-UPS Pro) to secure my Diskstations. I've set up UPS monitoring with automated shutdown (to safe mode) in my DS220+ as a server and DS213+ as a client. Now I was looking for a way to include my PCs into this and found this project. Great - love it !!

Actually it took my only one hour to set everything up including configuring Windows NUT client. After some trial & error I did some research and found that only

ups works as a parameter for the UPS Name 3493 as NUT Port, upsmon as Login and secret as password are still the default values in DSM6.x

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

You're right - I don't know why I didn't figure it out before, but I had the ups name wrong the whole time until recently. I'll need to redo the screenshots...

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to get WinNUT 2.0.7722.30975 working with my Synology DS1019+, and I'm having issues getting WinNUT to talk to the NAS. I'm hoping some of you guys might be able to help.

As you can see here, I've got the UPS attached to the NAS:


I've got my PC's IP included in the list of permitted devices:


I've verified my PC's local IP both in my router's device list table, as well as in my Windows networking settings.

I've plugged everything in WinNUT as best I can:


Here, I've tried both monuser and upsmon as the login, and secret is the password. Additionally, I've verified the IP of my NAS, and I've also tried the NAS' hostname.

When I try to list UPS variables, I get this error:


[Id 7: 2/22/2021 9:26:54 PM] Connection to Nut Host Failed: Connection to Nut Host seem broken when Retrieving ListUPSVars

Does anyone have any ideas? The firewall on the NAS is completely disabled, so it shouldn't be that. Any help is appreciated!

gawindx commented 3 years ago

Try With « Polling interval » >=1 in your options.

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

Try With « Polling interval » >=1 in your options.

Ok, that's hilarious; that worked immediately! I should've tried tweaking that setting! Thank you!

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

One more minor question: I thought I could put a hostname in the NUT host field, but it doesn't seem to work. If I specify the IP of my NAS, I can connect no problem, but if I put the hostname, I get this error:

[Id 8: 2/23/2021 12:04:23 PM] Connection to Nut Host <hostname>:3493 Failed: Access is denied.

Is this expected behavior?

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Just want to chime in here: I was having issues connecting to my Synology just like you, and the reason seemed to be because I was using an IPv4/v6 combined LAN and the allowed hosts list is very strict about what address you put in. So if I put the hostname in, it resolves to the IPv6 address when I had only put my v4 address in the allowed hosts list.

To work around this, you'll want to make sure you have both IPv4 and v6 addresses in the allowed hosts list, or enter the IPv4 address when you connect. As a note to us developing WinNUT, perhaps we can attempt connection over both addresses if we detect a Synology host or get access denied the first time?

gawindx commented 3 years ago

Well seen for the IPV4 / 6 combo.

@gbakeman, For your suggestion, it would have to be studied but on this blow I could not certainly not develop it alone, I will need one or more beta testers who have a synology.

It will be seen for v2.1 when it starts to be sufficiently developed.

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

Just want to chime in here: I was having issues connecting to my Synology just like you, and the reason seemed to be because I was using an IPv4/v6 combined LAN and the allowed hosts list is very strict about what address you put in. So if I put the hostname in, it resolves to the IPv6 address when I had only put my v4 address in the allowed hosts list.

To work around this, you'll want to make sure you have both IPv4 and v6 addresses in the allowed hosts list, or enter the IPv4 address when you connect. As a note to us developing WinNUT, perhaps we can attempt connection over both addresses if we detect a Synology host or get access denied the first time?

Nice to note. I just put my local IPv6 address in the list of permitted devices:


But this still doesn't seem to enable me to connect using the NAS' hostname. WinNUT still yields this error:

[Id 27: 2/23/2021 1:50:36 PM] Connection to Nut Host <hostname>:3493 Failed: Access is denied.

It still only works if I provide the IPv4 address. I tried providing the NAS' IPv6 address in the NUT host field, but that's not working either.

@gawindx, I'm happy to help test.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Just to double check, are you clicking "Ok" and "Apply" after that? I was only doing one, and that caught me up!

Edit: To confirm, you're adding the IP of your computer running WinNUT and not the NAS, correct?

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

Just to double check, are you clicking "Ok" and "Apply" after that? I was only doing one, and that caught me up!

Edit: To confirm, you're adding the IP of your computer running WinNUT and not the NAS, correct?

Yes, correct on both accounts. The 2 IPs in that screenshot are of my PC running WinNUT, and I did apply those settings.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

I say maybe a stupidity but there is no limit of the number of connections? a session lifetime?

Normally Winnut forces a clean logout but can synology keep an active session for a while?

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

I just double checked on my end, and I think I may have misremembered what I did! I was just now able to authenticate with an IPv6 connection. I admit I still don't understand how IPv6 works, but for some reason my PC has multiple IPv6 addresses. I opened a connection with a terminal (KiTTY), then opened a network monitor (Process Hacker) and found the exact local endpoint it was using. It ended up being a different address than I thought. I added that to the list of authorized clients, and I can connect now.

Lesson learned here: I guess you either need to figure out exactly which IPv6 address the application is using on your PC to establish the connection, add every IPv6 address assigned to your PC to the authorized clients list, disable IPv6 wholesale on your diskstation, or explicitly use IPv4 when connecting.

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

I say maybe a stupidity but there is no limit of the number of connections? a session lifetime?

Normally Winnut forces a clean logout but can synology keep an active session for a while?

Good question. I can't imagine there is a session limit that's impacting us (i.e., if there is a limit, I'd sure hope it's greater than 2!).

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

I just double checked on my end, and I think I may have misremembered what I did! I was just now able to authenticate with an IPv6 connection. I admit I still don't understand how IPv6 works, but for some reason my PC has multiple IPv6 addresses. I opened a connection with a terminal (KiTTY), then opened a network monitor (Process Hacker) and found the exact local endpoint it was using. It ended up being a different address than I thought. I added that to the list of authorized clients, and I can connect now.

Lesson learned here: I guess you either need to figure out exactly which IPv6 address the application is using on your PC to establish the connection, add every IPv6 address assigned to your PC to the authorized clients list, disable IPv6 wholesale on your diskstation, or explicitly use IPv4 when connecting.

Ah, your comment really helped! After digging around, for reasons I don't understand yet, I see the same thing. Here's a screenshot of my network adapter properties:


Of particular note is that temporary IPv6 address, which is different than the (non-temporary?) IPv6 address listed above it. I thought to check my Synology logs to see what IP Synology's logs are capturing, and I see this:


So what Synology is seeing is my temporary IPv6 address, not the other one. When I pasted that IPv6 address into the list of IPs that are permitted to access the NUT service, all of a sudden I can specify the NUT host in WinNUT to be either the IPv4, IPv6, or hostname of my NAS; all 3 work equivalently now.

The fact that my NAS is only seeing the temporary IPv6 is concerning because if I'm supposed to rely on a whitelist in the Synology UI and that IPv6 address is changing with some regularity, then that'll mean that the whitelist is functionally useless.

My takeaway here is to stick with IPv4 addresses in the Synology UI as well as WinNUT preferences. It would be really neat if WinNUT tried connecting to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses when a hostname is provided (since that's one less static IP that needs to be tracked), but I can use the IPv4 address until that gets implemented.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Hi Guys, I have a Synology 214+Play and have just set up a new APC UPS connected to the NAS. I set up the Power options in the NAS to as shown above and installed the client using the WinNUT-Setup.msi But after configuring the settings as shown above in the NUT I'm unable to get a connection to the NAS host.

When trying to connect I get the following Error message: [Id 19: 01/04/2021 19:13:17] Connection to Nut Host nutserver host:3493 Failed: Connection Error


Does anyone have any ides what to try next? I'm not using IPv6 at all so when I use config/all I only have IPv4 addresses shown for the PC.

Thanx for any help.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

Did you authorize your ip in the nas config? see here

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Yes I did specify my computer IPv4 in the Synalogy Permitted discstation settings and I can see the ups information in the Nas ups device information.

gfairchild commented 3 years ago

Can you try using monuser as the username? upsmon didn't work for me, but monuser did.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion, Yes I had already tried monuser but still the same result.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Can you provide the full logs from WinNUT when it tries to connect?

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Here is the Debug log:

01/04/2021 20:32:23 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Windows standby, WinNUT will disconnect 01/04/2021 20:48:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Restarting WinNUT after waking up from Windows 01/04/2021 20:49:16 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Pref_Gui Params Saved 01/04/2021 20:49:16 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:49:16 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:49:19 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Force Reconnect from menu 01/04/2021 20:49:40 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Connect To Nut Server 01/04/2021 20:50:01 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Error When Connection to Nut Host. 01/04/2021 20:50:01 Pid: 14020 String : New Log to CB_Current Log : Connection to Nut Host Failed: Connection Error 01/04/2021 20:50:02 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:02 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:50:17 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:17 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:50:21 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Open About Gui From Menu 01/04/2021 20:50:22 Pid: 14020 About_Gui : Load About Gui 01/04/2021 20:50:22 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:22 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:50:30 Pid: 14020 About_Gui : Close About Gui 01/04/2021 20:50:30 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:30 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:50:44 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:44 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:50:52 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:50:52 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Open Pref Gui From Menu 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Load Pref Gui 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Pref Gui Opened. 01/04/2021 20:51:39 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Show LogFile

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Ok. It looks like we need to make the error messages more clear. :) Just to be sure, when you added your computer's IP address to the authorized devices, did you hit OK then Apply after? I forgot to click Apply one time! If you did that, then it may be worth rebooting your Synology since that has also cleared out some strange NUT server bugs for me.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Here is the log after changing the user name to monuser:

01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Open Pref Gui From Menu 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Load Pref Gui 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:51:24 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Pref Gui Opened. 01/04/2021 20:51:39 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Show LogFile 01/04/2021 20:53:02 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Save Parameters. 01/04/2021 20:53:03 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : LogFile Enabled. 01/04/2021 20:53:03 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Pref_Gui Params Saved 01/04/2021 20:53:23 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:53:23 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:53:27 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Force Reconnect from menu 01/04/2021 20:53:48 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Connect To Nut Server 01/04/2021 20:54:09 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Error When Connection to Nut Host. 01/04/2021 20:54:09 Pid: 14020 String : New Log to CB_Current Log : Connection to Nut Host Failed: Connection Error 01/04/2021 20:54:13 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:54:13 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:54:15 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Has Focus 01/04/2021 20:54:15 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:54:17 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Force Reconnect from menu 01/04/2021 20:54:38 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Connect To Nut Server 01/04/2021 20:54:59 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Error When Connection to Nut Host. 01/04/2021 20:54:59 Pid: 14020 String : New Log to CB_Current Log : Connection to Nut Host Failed: Connection Error 01/04/2021 20:55:03 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Open Pref Gui From Menu 01/04/2021 20:55:03 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Load Pref Gui 01/04/2021 20:55:03 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 20:55:03 Pid: 14020 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 20:55:03 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Pref Gui Opened. 01/04/2021 20:55:14 Pid: 14020 Pref_Gui : Show LogFile

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Yes the Computer IP address is shown in the Permitted devices when I go back in to have a look. I'm just restarting the NAS to check if that does anything.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Hahaha! yes the reboot of the NAS has cleared the error!

[Id 8: 01/04/2021 21:01:09] Connection to Nut Host Established

Thank you and possibly add that as the final set-up instruction.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Thank you for verifying that and getting back to us! I'll see if I can write a wiki page for Synology devices.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

what does "shut down on NUT's FSD signal" mean?

How can I test that the PC will shut down with a quick test without having to wait for the UPS battery to discharge?


gbakeman commented 3 years ago

NUT servers will send an FSD signal when the conditions are met to require shutting down. According to this guide, you may be able to simulate an FSD by logging in to your Synology with a terminal. I haven't tried this yet though.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Update: I've created a Wiki page here in my fork of WinNUT. @gawindx I wasn't able to access the wiki on your project, do you think you could import my page?

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

OK I ticked that option and on the NAS set the shutdown option to 60 seconds. Then switched off the power to the UPS and within a minute the NAS started to shut down and then the PC. One observation on powering up the UPS the NAS resumes but takes some time, where as the PC started up faster but the client did not reconnect to the NAS and even though I have the "Re-established connection" in the settings ticked, the client does not seem to be able to reconnect.

Even forcing a manual reconnect does not seem to work.......also seeing the (not responding) quite often with the client app.

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

That's some great feedback, thank you for testing. Could you collect that info in a separate bug report for us? I think that would help us get it fixed.

BrckedmyRMpro commented 3 years ago

Still unabl;e to reconnect after the first successful UPS shut down of the NAS and PC...... here is the Debug log:

01/04/2021 21:45:59 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Force Reconnect from menu 01/04/2021 21:46:20 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Connect To Nut Server 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Error When Connection to Nut Host. 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 String : New Log to CB_Current Log : Connection to Nut Host Failed: Connection Error 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Open Pref Gui From Menu 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 Pref_Gui : Load Pref Gui 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Main Gui Lose Focus 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 WinNUT : Update Icon 01/04/2021 21:46:41 Pid: 9544 Pref_Gui : Pref Gui Opened. 01/04/2021 21:46:45 Pid: 9544 Pref_Gui : Show LogFile

gawindx commented 3 years ago

@gbakeman I'll see this for the wiki, I'll have to see if I can give you rights to it. sorry not to have followed the discussion too much but I am not going through a nas so I don't think I will have been of much help. and it's time for me to go to bed if I want to be awake enough to go to work tomorrow.

gawindx commented 3 years ago

@BrckedmyRMpro, if you were able to connect it is because your connection parameters are correct so either it is your nas which is capricious, or it is in winnut that it gets stuck. have you tried a telnet connection to see what's going on? I believe I had explained the procedure here.

for identifiers it is: LOGIN your_login PASSWORD your_password

if even like that you can't connect, it's because your nas is capricious

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Like gawindx said, you can try manually logging in and see what happens. You may also want to reboot the NUT server, with sudo synoservice --restart ups-usb.

Bagu commented 3 years ago

It seem there is a problem if using DSM 6.2.2-24922

Because i also try to set up winnut without success

  1. I set ups as name
  2. upsmon as user (also try monsuer and an admin user of the nas)
  3. secret as password (also try the real password of the admin user above)
  4. polling intervall is greater than 1

And the connection is refused

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

A few things to check -

  1. Is your computer added as an authorized machine in the UPS configuration?
  2. Are you using IPv6 and IPv4 in your network? Make sure you add all possible host addresses to the authenticated list, or only use IPv4.
Bagu commented 3 years ago

1-Yes 2-Only ipv4

But, i open a ticket to synology. And the solution is really simple. I just unactivate ups on the Synology Nas, apply, wait few seconds, the reactivate ups on the nas. And everything work like a charm. Thanks

ghost commented 3 years ago

I've just recently set up my UPS (APC Back-UPS Pro) to secure my Diskstations. I've set up UPS monitoring with automated shutdown (to safe mode) in my DS220+ as a server and DS213+ as a client. Now I was looking for a way to include my PCs into this and found this project. Great - love it !!

Actually it took my only one hour to set everything up including configuring Windows NUT client. After some trial & error I did some research and found that only

ups works as a parameter for the UPS Name 3493 as NUT Port, upsmon as Login and secret as password are still the default values in DSM6.x

This works perfect Follow these usernames and secrets used this on my DS1517+

dwcouch commented 3 years ago

Just want to chime in here: I was having issues connecting to my Synology just like you, and the reason seemed to be because I was using an IPv4/v6 combined LAN and the allowed hosts list is very strict about what address you put in. So if I put the hostname in, it resolves to the IPv6 address when I had only put my v4 address in the allowed hosts list.

To work around this, you'll want to make sure you have both IPv4 and v6 addresses in the allowed hosts list, or enter the IPv4 address when you connect. As a note to us developing WinNUT, perhaps we can attempt connection over both addresses if we detect a Synology host or get access denied the first time?

About that IPV6 issue.... I've been tweaking my network, UPS, PC, etc. And while I had previously set-up WinNUT successfully and it has saved my PC a couple of power outages already - I thought I'd see if I could tweak the reconnection interval to accommodate a reboot of the NAS. So I changed the interval to 3600, [Apply]'d and then got the following error:

7/21/2021 5:15:04 PM Pid: 11584 UPS_Network : Error When Connection to Nut Host : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

After reviewing the thread here I did an 'ipconfig' from a 'cmd' window and found my IPv6 address. Added that to the NAS 's Permitted Devices and then 'Reconnect' in WinNUT. It connected immediately.

While configuring my network lately it occurred to me I'll never need to use IPV6 INSIDE my network. I'll let my Router and ISP hash that out. So I disabled IPV6 under the Network Adapter properties in Windows. As soon as I did WinNUT disconnected. And it would not reconnect. Even though I had both IPv4 and IPv6 set in the NAS. It did reconnect after I removed the IPv6 IP from the NAS settings.

Just wanted to share in case this helps anybody else - including development of a solution for IPv4&6

Now I'm back to my original dilemma... If I reboot my Synolgy DS920+ I'll always have to reconnect WinNUT manually as the current maximum window for reconnection is 30 hours (3600 seconds = 1 hour x 30 tries). So If I reboot my NAS more than 30 hours after the Windows machine I'll have to manually reconnect WinNUT.

** Feature Request: Ping NAS indefinitely. When it's found, reconnect. *** Feel free to throw my name in the hat of Synology Beta Testers too.

Thank you for this little gem. I loose power in my neighborhood all the time. The last big one was while I was re-calculating my watts for a new UPS. OUCH!

EDIT - I'm not sure how or even if I actually did change the polling to 3600 because today I cannot change it to greater than 60. I also have since found the mention of having changed from ms to s in the poll... At any rate, my request for a more robust reconnection scheme stands - I'll copy this request to a more appropriate thread.

Windows 10 PC, Synology DS920+, APC Back-UPS 1500

gbakeman commented 3 years ago

Thank you for posting that! So just to be clear, when you disabled IPv6 while using it, WinNUT was no longer allowed to connect to the NAS until you removed the IPv6 address in the allowed hosts list?

dwcouch commented 3 years ago

Glad to provide feedback.

Yes. WinNUT disconnected after I disabled IPv6 on the network adapter and did not reconnect until I removed the IPv6 address from allowed hosts on the NAS.

I'll re-confirm with a repeat performance tomorrow morning.

Later, after my last post I noted the NAS had a logged in user on the IPv6 IP for another service (though I don't know how since I disabled IPv6... perhaps a cache of some-sort). I wondered if that had any impact. So I'll double check.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2021, 19:16 Glen @.***> wrote:

Thank you for posting that! So just to be clear, when you disabled IPv6 while using it, WinNUT was no longer allowed to connect to the NAS until you removed the IPv6 address in the allowed hosts list?

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gbakeman commented 3 years ago

I think I've noticed some strange behavior, at least from the NUT/upsd server on Synology devices. Sometimes rebooting the unit clears strange bugs. I'll look forward to seeing your results though!

dwcouch commented 3 years ago

Welll... I was unable to reproduce the issue I had yesterday where WinNUT client would not connect until I disabled IPv6 and cleared the IPv6 IP in the NAS.

Here is a series of test cases and results from what I just ran.

Ethernet IPV6 Enabled WinNUT connected on IPv4 NAS connections: HTTP/HTTPS on IPv4, CIFS on IPv6 Both IPv4 and IPv6 are listed in NAS Permitted Devices

TEST1 Ethernet: Disabled IPv6 WinNUT: Manual Reconnect OK on IPv4 WinNUT: Changed Polling Interval. Reconnect OK on IPv4

TEST2 Ethernet: Enabled IPv6 WinNUT: Manual Reconnect OK on IPv4 WinNUT: Changed Polling Interval. Reconnect OK on IPv4

TEST3 NAS: Removed IPv6 Ethernet: Disabled IPv6 WinNUT: Disconnected. WinNUT log: [Id 20: 7/22/2021 12:25:38 PM] Connection to Nut Host Failed: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value WinNUT: Auto Reconnect OK on IPv4

TEST4 Ethernet: Enabled IPv6 NAS: Added IPv6 WinNUT: Disconnected. WinNUT log: [Id 26: 7/22/2021 12:31:09 PM] Connection to Nut Host Failed: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value WinNUT: Auto Reconnect OK on IPv4

TEST5 NAS: Killed CIFS connection. Reconnected CIFS on IPv6 Ethernet: Disabled IPv6 WinNUT: Changed Polling Interval. Reconnect OK on IPv4 NAS: Removed IPv6 WinNUT: Disconnected. WinNUT log: [Id 36: 7/22/2021 12:36:42 PM] Connection to Nut Host Failed: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value WinNUT: Auto Reconnect OK on IPv4

I imagine it might be of value to restart the NAS with the PC using IPv6 as well, but the NAS is in the middle of a storage expansion. Let me know if you'd like me to explore that - or anything else.