gayanper / sonarlint-intellij

SonarLint for IntelliJ
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Linter not finding issues. #6

Open ikilroy opened 3 years ago

ikilroy commented 3 years ago

I have multiple projects attached in one Webstorm instance. If one of them does not have a binding (or an incorrect binding), SonarLint analysis stops working for all projects. The issues are not highlighted in the editor, the analysis on current file shows "0 issues found". May be related to issue #3 as we experience that as well. I tried removing all bindings, restarting Webstorm (issue #3 still occurring) and re-adding bindings - to no effect. Starting a new instance of Webstorm for single project and re-attaching the others helped.

Note - it seems quite random for the linter to start misbehaving again.

gayanper commented 3 years ago

The latest master should contain a fix for this, Please do some testing and let me know. you can download the latest build from I'm working on a update site for the same location, will keep you posted once it is working.