[x] '/dashboard/mentor-panel/:mentor-selector/submit/flight-info/confirm' : POST --BACK END--
this route will submit the data that a mentor sends to our server.
[x] '/submit/signed-waiver' : REACT - GET PAGE
[x] '/submit/signed-waiver/confirm' : POST --BACK END--
this route will submit the data that a mentor sends to our server.
[x] Controllers: #50
[x] add and code ("./src/backEnd/controllers/postFlightInfo.js)
[x] add and code ("./src/backEnd/controllers/postSignedWaiver.js")
[x] DB-Queries:
[x] USE: selectMentorByEmail(email, cb);
[x] USE: updateMentor()
Design with React:
[x] :+1:
[x] u need to add an email field so that u can determine which mentor is uploading document!
Relates: #2 As a user, I can Mentor Side will help me do ..
Acceptance Criteria:
Back End:
Design with React:
[x] :+1:
[x] u need to add an email field so that u can determine which mentor is uploading document!