gazay / gon

Your Rails variables in your JS
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ReferenceError: Can't find variable: gon in Javascript Test Case #236

Open shazimkhandevsinc opened 6 years ago

shazimkhandevsinc commented 6 years ago

I wrote these lines in application layout file

= csrf_meta_tags
= Gon::Base.render_data({}) 

and assign values to gon in Rails controller and using in angular controller with $scope In Rails controller

gon.hotel_data = hotel_data In Angular controller

$scope.hotel = gon.hotel_data

gon variable is accessible in angular controller But when I write test case for this controller and it shows this error in angular controller when I run test case

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: gon

Kindly let me know how to initialize gon variable in Javascript test case
