gazbert / bxbot

A simple Bitcoin trading bot written in Java.
MIT License
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Create UI for managing BX-bot #101

Open gazbert opened 5 years ago

gazbert commented 5 years ago

UI will be built using Angular.

It will consume the REST API #32

aCard0s0 commented 4 years ago

May I ask... why the decision to change to React? Also the React project has start already?

leoforney commented 3 years ago

I'd love to contribute by making a Vaadin Flow UI built into the project!

gazbert commented 3 years ago

@aCard0s0 - I started down the Angular route, but got frustrated with the complexity and changes to the framework. I also found it hard to test using good behavioural tests using Protractor.

Some of the Angular work is recorded #5

The old (unmaintained branch) is here:

I was also keen to learn React and the tooling/APIs seemed easier to get to grips with. One day I will write it, but there;s bigger things to get through at the moment with Covid-19.

Take care.

CrommVardek commented 3 years ago

If/when you've started a bxbot-ui-react project, I'd be more than happy to contribute. I've started react 2 months ago, so I've still a lot to learn.

gazbert commented 1 year ago

After having no time to start the React impl of the UI, I've decided to resurrect the Angular impl and get something out of the door!

Work will restart here: