gazbert / bxbot

A simple Bitcoin trading bot written in Java.
MIT License
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New Coinbase Pro Exchange Adapter #120

Closed DavidHuertas closed 4 years ago

DavidHuertas commented 4 years ago

Hi! I have been working in a fork of your BXbot project. After the migration of GDAX API to Coinbase Pro API, a new Coinbase Pro Exchange Adapter is needed (you can check it here)

It works as the other exchanges, plus a "time-server-bias" that is needed in order to make work the private calls (you can check this issue I have open in my fork:

I have a question to make: ¿do you have in mind to add calls to the "fees" services in order to improve fees calculation further than keeping them in the "otherConfig" section of the "exchange.yaml" config file?

Thank you in advance, regards David Huertas

gazbert commented 4 years ago

Hi David

Thank you for your contribution - it's always good to see folks contributing to the project :+1:

I'll try and make some time this weekend to review the PR...

I'll also deprecate the GDAX adapter in the next release, given the exchange has been migrated from GDAX to Coinbase Pro.

Regarding fees API calls - go for it! The fees in the YAML config are fallback options for when exchanges did not expose their fees via their REST APIs. I believe the Bitstamp adapter gets its fees from the exchange's REST API.

Looks like the PR build needs fixing - SpotBugs issues from a quick look ;-)

Take your time - no rush for anything :-)


DavidHuertas commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for your answer, as soon as I have some free time I will review the different issues to make my changes pullable to your repository.

DavidHuertas commented 4 years ago

I will review when I have time enough