gazbert / bxbot

A simple Bitcoin trading bot written in Java.
MIT License
779 stars 275 forks source link

Create REST API for administering the bot #32

Closed gazbert closed 4 years ago

gazbert commented 7 years ago

Create a REST API for managing the bot.

The initial release will support:

It will be secured using TLS and JWT.

It will be documented using Swagger.

It will be consumed by BX-bot UI (#101) and 3rd party apps.

Later releases will support:

gazbert commented 7 years ago

Still to do:

gazbert commented 6 years ago

Still ToDo:

  1. New Runtime endpoint to: start|stop|status the bot, fetch/tail/download bot log, fetch bot resource usage, e.g. memory, cpu, disk.
  2. Make a decision on whether REST API should expose sensitive API keys/secrets for Exchange config... Same too for the Email Alerts config SMTP account password. Currently, it does not. These are things that users would not change very often - I'm thinking these config items should never leave the bot node? Nervous a bug in my (JWT/HTTPS) implementation could leak someone's API creds... Or someone spins up the bot/UI without configuring TLS... Or am I just being paranoid? ;-)
gazbert commented 4 years ago

Outstanding Work (Almost done!)

gazbert commented 4 years ago

Sonar issues need fixing then ready to go... finally!

gazbert commented 4 years ago
