gazebo-tooling / release-tools

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Package Gazebo Harmonic for ROS 2 Jazzy #1117

Open azeey opened 4 months ago

azeey commented 4 months ago

This ticket tracks the work we're doing to package Gazebo Harmonic for ROS 2 Rolling which will eventually become Jazzy.

Options for packaging Gazebo for ROS 2:

azeey commented 4 months ago (forked from has some vendor packages as well as scripts to generate/update vendor packages from upstream package.xml files.

cc @mjcarroll @j-rivero

azeey commented 3 months ago

@j-rivero I've created all of the vendor packages:

Could you please review them? You can use this collection file to clone all of them with vcstool.

The following rosdep keys will need to be added:

Edit: added qml-module-charts and changed libshaderc to libshaderc-dev.

azeey commented 3 months ago

I've created PRs for the rosdep keys: