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False positive in ABI checker #336

Open scpeters opened 3 years ago

scpeters commented 3 years ago

The ABI checker job is failing for, complaining that the ignition::gazebo::v3::components::BaseComponent::Serialize ( std::ostream& p1 ) const symbol has been removed. I've reproduced the failure in multiple builds:

This is strange because the pull request doesn't change remove the symbol; it doesn't even change any header files. I suspect that this is a false positive.

chapulina commented 3 years ago

I got the same false-(?)positive again:

This time it's on ign-gazebo4, the one above was on ign-gazebo3.

I'm testing it locally and it does look like the _ZNK8ignition6gazebo2v410components13BaseComponent9SerializeERSo symbol is gone on that branch, but it was there before. I'm looking into it.

scpeters commented 3 years ago

I'm now seeing a different false positive in with complaints about header files that were not modified at all:

The API check says two symbols were added and two removed:

# Added Symbols  2 

namespace ignition::transport::v10
HandlerStorage<IReqHandler>::AddHandler ( std::__cxx11::string const& _topic, std::__cxx11::string const& _nUuid, std::shared_ptr<IReqHandler>const& _handler )

namespace ignition::transport::v10
SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::CreateMsg ( std::__cxx11::string const& _data, std::__cxx11::string const& _type ) const

# Removed Symbols  2 

namespace ignition::transport::v10
HandlerStorage<IReqHandler>::AddHandler ( std::__cxx11::string const& _topic, std::__cxx11::string const& _nUuid, std::shared_ptr<IReqHandler>const& _handler )

namespace ignition::transport::v10
SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::CreateMsg ( std::__cxx11::string const& _data, std::__cxx11::string const& _type ) const

The ABI check says 8 symbols were removed:

# Removed Symbols  8 

namespace ignition::transport::v10
ReqHandler<google::protobuf::Message, google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D0] ( )

ReqHandler<google::protobuf::Message, google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D1] ( )

ReqHandler<google::protobuf::Message, google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D2] ( )

vtable for IReqHandler [data]

namespace ignition::transport::v10
SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::CreateMsg ( std::__cxx11::string const& _data, std::__cxx11::string const& _type ) const

SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D0] ( )

SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D1] ( )

SubscriptionHandler<google::protobuf::Message>::~__dt [D2] ( )