gazebo-tooling / release-tools

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Tracker: new EC2 Windows agents issues #892

Open j-rivero opened 1 year ago

j-rivero commented 1 year ago

Tracker for the existing issues and works related to the EC2 Windows agents. Most problems come from the bump of MSVC to 2022 and the enable of DART from vcpkg (which brings to the builds other vcpkg dependencies like urdfdom or ode).

For testing dart vs no-dart installation, a large PR that improves a lot the situation with vcpkg and caching

New compilation warnings and test errors MSVC22 + Dart:

Crola1702 commented 1 year ago
j-rivero commented 1 year ago

(note that the following will trigger recursively all compiler problems or warnings in each build but does not trigger recursively the test runs and only run test corresponding to the software under test which is the software name in the build name):

Summary of current testing builds using MSVC2022:

j-rivero commented 1 year ago

Affected by

j-rivero commented 1 year ago

If I change back to use VS19 without dart, I've managed to stabilize the results to the same than in current situation:

We are going with this option to execute the first step of the migration.

j-rivero commented 1 year ago

Some work on supporting multiple compilers