gazebosim / gazebo-classic

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Improving Oculus Rift support #1161

Open osrf-migration opened 10 years ago

osrf-migration commented 10 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Carlos Agüero (Bitbucket: caguero, GitHub: caguero).

Pull request #1074 adds basic Oculus support into Gazebo. The Oculus camera needs to be attached to a visual link. For now, we use a configuration file (gui.ini) to specify the visual link, as well as the initial position of the Oculus window.

It would be nice to open a dialog window when the user press Window->Oculus Rift, that let you select the visual link to attach the Oculus camera, as well as position and orientation offsets.

osrf-migration commented 10 years ago

Original comment by Carlos Agüero (Bitbucket: caguero, GitHub: caguero).

osrf-migration commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Louise Poubel (Bitbucket: chapulina, GitHub: chapulina).

It would also be nice to disable the Oculus window when Window->Oculus Rift is pressed a second time (uncheck it). This should work whether the window was initially triggered by the GUI or if it was started by autolaunch=1 on gui.ini.

osrf-migration commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Martin Pecka (Bitbucket: peci1).

I tried Oculus rift DK2 in Gazebo 8/Ubuntu 14.04 now, and the result is a bit unsatisfactory. In the Oculus window, the view (for each eye!) is dissected into 4 parts, each of which showing a slightly different view (but these views almost correctly match in left and right eye). But head tracking works (moving around with all these 4 views). I've closely followed the tutorial at .

The only thing I did differently is that I run the Oculus daemon from , because the one attached to the OSRF version crashes after a few frames (though the problem seems to be the same in the few rendered frames I got from the SDK from tutorial).






Launched using gazebo --verbose worlds/, here's gazebo log:

[Msg] Oculus Rift found.
[Msg]   Type: 6
[Msg]   Product Name: Oculus Rift DK2
[Msg]   Product ID: 33
[Msg]   Firmware: 2.12
[Msg]   Resolution: 1920x1080
[Msg]   Position tracking: 64
[Wrn] [] Oculus: No head tracking.
    If you do not see a following message about 'Head tracking enabled', then try rebooting while leaving the Oculus turned on.
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[From Service] Lost 7 IMU samples: 8989 2 9
[From Service] [ExternalCamera] Skipped 10 frames
[Msg] Oculus: Head tracking enabled.
[From Service] [TrackedHMD] cameraToHMDoffset: 40461, was 0
[From Service] 
Camera Aligned with Gravity: change 3.4 deg, 16 mm, conf 0.0628
[From Service]   Camera Position (-6.3, 14.1, -4.3)
[From Service]   Up in Camera Frame (0.050, 0.998, 0.032)

[From Service] [TrackedHMD] Initial camera latency: 0.87 frames
[From Service] 
Camera Aligned with Gravity: change 1.7 deg, 14 mm, conf 0.67
[From Service]   Camera Position (-12.9, -14.5, -11.5)
[From Service]   Up in Camera Frame (0.000, 1.000, -0.021)

[From Service] [TrackedHMD] TrackPose failed
[From Service] [TrackedHMD] TrackPose failed
[From Service] [TrackedHMD] TrackPose failed
[From Service] [TrackedHMD] GetVisionPrediction failed: Capture time 1489687957.7758
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)
[Wrn] [] QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called(virtual QPaintEngine* QWidget::paintEngine() const)