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Step by step simulation c++ with gazebo #2385

Open osrf-migration opened 6 years ago

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original report (archived issue) by Brice Clement (Bitbucket: Brice_clement).


We are trying to use gazebo in a step by step way, because we have a controller running at some frequency, and we want to avoid asynchronous issue.

So we looked at the example of your Custom main, and we found that your are using :


gazebo::runWorld(world, iterations);

Where iteration is the number of iteration to perform. But this function can't be used like this :

 while (!stop) {
    gazebo::runWorld(world, 1);
    //  do some stuff

Because it seems like it's reseting everythings from scratch.

So we would like to use the world->Step() function which is private, to run step by step the simulation.

Best regards,

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Shane Loretz (Bitbucket: Shane Loretz, GitHub: sloretz).

I think you are looking for this version of World::Step()

      /// \brief Step the world forward in time.
      /// \param[in] _steps The number of steps the World should take.
      public: void Step(const unsigned int _steps);

The integration tests have examples of using it.

I will close this issue since I think that answers the question. Feel free to reopen if there is more you would like to discuss.

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Shane Loretz (Bitbucket: Shane Loretz, GitHub: sloretz).

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Brice Clement (Bitbucket: Brice_clement).


This function does nothing, here are the implementation :


void World::Step(const unsigned int _steps)
  if (!this->IsPaused())
    gzwarn << "Calling World::Step(steps) while world is not paused\n";

    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(this->dataPtr->worldUpdateMutex);
    this->dataPtr->stepInc = _steps;

  // block on completion
  bool wait = true;
  while (wait)
    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(this->dataPtr->worldUpdateMutex);
    if (this->dataPtr->stepInc == 0 || this->dataPtr->stop)
      wait = false;

And this is the Step() :


void World::Step()

  /// need this because ODE does not call dxReallocateWorldProcessContext()
  /// until dWorld.*Step
  /// Plugins that manipulate joints (and probably other properties) require
  /// one iteration of the physics engine. Do not remove this.
  if (!this->dataPtr->pluginsLoaded && this->SensorsInitialized())
    this->dataPtr->pluginsLoaded = true;

  DIAG_TIMER_LAP("World::Step", "loadPlugins");

  // Send statistics about the world simulation

  DIAG_TIMER_LAP("World::Step", "publishWorldStats");

  double updatePeriod = this->dataPtr->physicsEngine->GetUpdatePeriod();
  // sleep here to get the correct update rate
  common::Time tmpTime = common::Time::GetWallTime();
  common::Time sleepTime = this->dataPtr->prevStepWallTime +
    common::Time(updatePeriod) - tmpTime - this->dataPtr->sleepOffset;

  common::Time actualSleep;
  if (sleepTime > 0)
    actualSleep = common::Time::GetWallTime() - tmpTime;
    sleepTime = 0;

  // exponentially avg out
  this->dataPtr->sleepOffset = (actualSleep - sleepTime) * 0.01 +
                      this->dataPtr->sleepOffset * 0.99;

  DIAG_TIMER_LAP("World::Step", "sleepOffset");

  // throttling update rate, with sleepOffset as tolerance
  // the tolerance is needed as the sleep time is not exact
  if (common::Time::GetWallTime() - this->dataPtr->prevStepWallTime +
      this->dataPtr->sleepOffset >= common::Time(updatePeriod))
    std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(this->dataPtr->worldUpdateMutex);

    DIAG_TIMER_LAP("World::Step", "worldUpdateMutex");

    this->dataPtr->prevStepWallTime = common::Time::GetWallTime();

    double stepTime = this->dataPtr->physicsEngine->GetMaxStepSize();

    if (!this->IsPaused() || this->dataPtr->stepInc > 0
        || this->dataPtr->needsReset)
      // query timestep to allow dynamic time step size updates
      this->dataPtr->simTime += stepTime;

      DIAG_TIMER_LAP("World::Step", "update");

      if (this->IsPaused() && this->dataPtr->stepInc > 0)
      // Flush the log record buffer, if there is data in it.
      if (util::LogRecord::Instance()->BufferSize() > 0)
      this->dataPtr->pauseTime += stepTime;




  if (g_clearModels)

Best regards,

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Brice Clement (Bitbucket: Brice_clement).

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Shane Loretz (Bitbucket: Shane Loretz, GitHub: sloretz).

It assumes the world is updating in another thread. The ServerFixture used by the integration tests shows how to set that up.

It sounds like you might be interested in fewer API calls to get to that point. Feel free to update this issue with a proposal for what you would that API to look like.

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Brice Clement (Bitbucket: Brice_clement).


I'm not sure if i understood what you wanted to show me about the ServerFixture, but we would like to avoid to have the world in a thread. Just something like your Step() function (the one implemented without parameters), but if it's possible to make it public instead of private. So we can access it.

Best regards

osrf-migration commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Ignacio Abadia (Bitbucket: iAbaTer).

Hi Brice,

I am trying to use the function world->Step() too, but I'm facing some troubles doing so. Did you manage to use it?

Best regards