I have been trying to get the libgazebo_ros_imu.so plugin to work in gazebo, and it seems to come up just fine, but now I would like to modify the rpyOffsets, because for whatever reason the imu orientation coming from rostopic echo shows that it is negative by some offset. Essentially I am trying to run it the same way it is in typically done in what I have seen in examples.
But I get this error:
Error [parser_urdf.cc:72] xml key [xyzOffset][0] value [xyzOffset] is not a valid double from a 3-tuple
Error [parser_urdf.cc:72] xml key [rpyOffset][0] value [rpyOffset] is not a valid double from a 3-tuple
I cannot seem to figure out how to modify that parameter for the IMU plugin.
Attached is the set of sensors I am trying to use with gazebo.
Original comment by John Hsu (Bitbucket: hsu, GitHub: hsu).
What version of gazebo, sdformat and gazebo_ros_pkgs are you using? I am running gazebo 1.9, gazebo_ros_pkgs 2.4.1 and sdformat 1.4.7, and the urdf file attached spawned fine.
Original report (archived issue) by YURT Development Team (Bitbucket: TheLegace).
The original report had attachments: sensors.urdf
I have been trying to get the libgazebo_ros_imu.so plugin to work in gazebo, and it seems to come up just fine, but now I would like to modify the rpyOffsets, because for whatever reason the imu orientation coming from rostopic echo shows that it is negative by some offset. Essentially I am trying to run it the same way it is in typically done in what I have seen in examples.
But I get this error:
Error [parser_urdf.cc:72] xml key [xyzOffset][0] value [xyzOffset] is not a valid double from a 3-tuple
Error [parser_urdf.cc:72] xml key [rpyOffset][0] value [rpyOffset] is not a valid double from a 3-tuple
I cannot seem to figure out how to modify that parameter for the IMU plugin. Attached is the set of sensors I am trying to use with gazebo.