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Protobuf generates several C4251 warnings on Windows #1256

Closed Blast545 closed 1 year ago

Blast545 commented 2 years ago

:man_farmer: Spin-off for #1175



Steps to reproduce

Run a Windows CI job for ign-gazebo5


Most of the warnings look like this:

'google::protobuf::internal::SerialArena::space_allocated_': struct 'std::atomic' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'google::protobuf::internal::SerialArena' (compiling source file C:\Jenkins\workspace\ign_gazebo-ign-5-win\ws\build\ignition-gazebo5\src\gui\plugins\scene3d\moc_Scene3D.cpp)

I think the first step to clean the Windows warnings would be getting rid of the protobuf warnings. There's a list of documented warnings disabled on their code:

In particular, I'd like to get some input about disabling C4251 in the Windows farm, which currently causes 99 warnings on its own for the protobuf library. If it's ok I can open a PR to disable it, although I don't know if it's better if someone else looks at the 15 C4251 coming from ign-gazebo code. Has someone discussed about this warning in the past? @chapulina @j-rivero

chapulina commented 2 years ago

We just wrap the offending headers in pragmas to disable these warnings, i.e.

Blast545 commented 2 years ago

We just wrap the offending headers in pragmas to disable these warnings, i.e.

@chapulina You mean for the offending headers inside the ignition stack? We don't have access to the ones internal to the protobuf library:

chapulina commented 2 years ago

Ideally we should wrap only the 3rd party headers. For example:

But if I remember correctly, including some ign-msgs headers still cause these protobuf warnings. If that's the case, we either find out how that's happening or wrap the ign-msgs headers too, i.e.

wilderfield commented 1 year ago

protobuf should burn in hell

mjcarroll commented 1 year ago

@wilderfield generally looking for productive input, if possible...

wilderfield commented 1 year ago

@mjcarroll ok, I guess use the following compiler flag when you build with protobuf on Windows, /wd4251

I think that is a better solution than littering code bases with windows specific pragmas.

I don't get why protobuf automatically generated files cause the visual studio compiler to go berserk with warnings.

Blast545 commented 1 year ago

@wilderfield We were actually able to address this issue in gz-cmake with this PR.

I'll proceed and close this issue for now, as it's no longer affecting gz-sim.