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Segmentation fault on RequestRemoveEntity() from update() or postUpdate() #2073

Open jrutgeer opened 1 year ago

jrutgeer commented 1 year ago


Calling SdfEntityCreator::RequestRemoveEntity() on a model entity from update() or postUpdate() causes a segmentation fault, so it seems that RequestRemoveEntity() is intended to be called only from preUpdate().

However the RequestRemoveEntity() code documentation states:

Request an entity deletion. This will insert the request into a queue.

In my interpretation, this implies the intention that RequestRemoveEntity() can be called at any time, and the entities in the queue will be removed when appropriate.


More info:

Here is an example repository. It is a system that:

There are two sdf files included:

By renaming the boxes in the sdf it is possible to disable the corresponding remove request.

Running gz sim boxes_on_ground.sdf (i.e. calling RequestRemoveEntity() on a non-moving box) results in all boxes being removed, but the postUpdate box still visible in the gui. I assume this is related to, and possibly fixed by

However running gz sim boxes_above_ground.sdf (i.e. calling RequestRemoveEntity() on a moving box) consistently results in a segmentation fault both for the update and postUpdate boxes:

#4    Object "/opt/gazebo_garden/install/lib/", at 0x7fb0fd41ec49, in gz::sim::v7::SimulationRunner::UpdateSystems()
#3    Object "/opt/gazebo_garden/install/lib/gz-sim-7/plugins/", at 0x7fb0f45391ca, in gz::sim::v7::systems::Physics::Update(gz::sim::v7::UpdateInfo const&, gz::sim::v7::EntityComponentManager&)
#2    Object "/opt/gazebo_garden/install/lib/gz-sim-7/plugins/", at 0x7fb0f45377e5, in gz::sim::v7::systems::PhysicsPrivate::UpdateSim(gz::sim::v7::EntityComponentManager&, std::map<unsigned long, gz::physics::FrameData<double, 3ul>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const, gz::physics::FrameData<double, 3ul> > > >&)
#1    Object "/opt/gazebo_garden/install/lib/gz-sim-7/plugins/", at 0x7fb0f4536899, in gz::sim::v7::systems::PhysicsPrivate::UpdateModelPose(unsigned long, unsigned long, gz::sim::v7::EntityComponentManager&, std::map<unsigned long, gz::physics::FrameData<double, 3ul>, std::less<unsigned long>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const, gz::physics::FrameData<double, 3ul> > > >&)
#0    Object "/opt/gazebo_garden/install/lib/gz-sim-7/plugins/", at 0x7fb0f455ae74, in std::_Hashtable<unsigned long, std::pair<unsigned long const, gz::math::v7::Pose3<double> >, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const, gz::math::v7::Pose3<double> > >, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::equal_to<unsigned long>, std::hash<unsigned long>, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, std::__detail::_Hashtable_traits<false, false, true> >::find(unsigned long const&)
Segmentation fault (Address not mapped to object [0x8])
azeey commented 1 year ago

Part of the problem is SdfEntityCreator keeps it's own mutable pointer to the ECM and can technically make calls to it at any system phase, but the PostUpdate gets a const ECM signalling to users that the ECM should not be modified in this phase. @mjcarroll, here's a data point where keeping a pointer to the ECM could be bad.

I'm not sure why it segfaults when called from Update. Generally, the Update phase is reserved for the physics system, but that's not a strict requirement . The ECM should be mutable and systems are run sequentially. This might be a bug in the way we handle removed entities int he Physics system