gazebosim / gz-sim

Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo.
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DiffDrive publish_odom_tf parameter #2372

Closed Wiktor-99 closed 2 months ago

Wiktor-99 commented 2 months ago

Desired behavior

In the gazebo_ros_diff_drive publishing wheels TF and "odom" => "robot_base_frame" TF is split.

Is it even possible to implement such behavior in the Ignition Gazebo? If there is feasible solution I could work on that.

Additional context

There is problem when you want to use robot_localization pkg which also provides TF to "odom" => "robot_base_frame", propably most of the time users would like to use TF provided by robot_localization pkg instead of DiffDrive plugin.

azeey commented 2 months ago

The DiffDrive plugin currently doesn't publish wheels TF. For that you need the JointStatePublisher plugin and robot_state_publisher on the ROS side. This also means, if you want to provide your own odom -> robot_base_frame, you simply have to ignore the TF messages published by DiffDrive (by not bridging the topic).

Wiktor-99 commented 2 months ago

Yes, you are right my assumptions were wrong, issue could be closed. Nevertheless when JointStatePublisher and DiffDrive are used EKF node dose not work with use_sim_time param. Probably I messed up configuration, fortunately ros2_control worked for me.