gazebosim / gz-sim

Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo.
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A module is trying to render an object without specifying a parameter #2441

Open trexgerratt opened 3 weeks ago

trexgerratt commented 3 weeks ago



Steps to reproduce

  1. Start sim with Ardupilot SITL
  2. Take off
  3. After a few seconds, I get the crash below. As shown in the output, this seems to be related to the thermal camera. I can't reproduce it if I change the thermal camera to a normal camera.


[Err] [] A module is trying to render an object without specifying a parameter. Please report this bug at
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type Ogre::ItemIdentityException: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): Parameter at the given index was not found. in Renderable::getCustomParameter at /opt/homebrew/opt/ogre2.3/include/OGRE-2.3/OgreRenderable.h (line 296)
Stack trace (most recent call last) in thread 6182416384:

28 Object "libsystem_pthread.dylib", at 0x19175af93, in _pthread_start + 135

27 Object "libgz-sim8-sensors-system.8.3.0.dyl", at 0x115ed20f3, in void std::1::thread_proxy[abi:ue170006]<std::1::tuple<std::1::unique_ptr<std::1::thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete>, void (gz::sim::v8::systems::SensorsPrivate::)(), gz::sim::v8::systems::SensorsPrivate>>(void) + 71

26 Object "libgz-sim8-sensors-system.8.3.0.dyl", at 0x115ebc963, in gz::sim::v8::systems::SensorsPrivate::RenderThread() + 207

25 Object "libgz-sim8-sensors-system.8.3.0.dyl", at 0x115ebc09f, in gz::sim::v8::systems::SensorsPrivate::RunOnce() + 803

24 Object "libgz-sensors8.8.1.0.dylib", at 0x11e39d437, in gz::sensors::v8::Manager::RunOnce(std::1::chrono::duration<long long, std::1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>> const&, bool) + 55

23 Object "libgz-sensors8.8.1.0.dylib", at 0x11e3a0a83, in gz::sensors::v8::Sensor::Update(std::1::chrono::duration<long long, std::1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>> const&, bool) + 175

22 Object "libgz-sensors8-thermal_camera.8.1.0", at 0x115fc2e73, in gz::sensors::v8::ThermalCameraSensor::Update(std::1::chrono::duration<long long, std::1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>> const&) + 119

21 Object "libgz-sensors8-rendering.8.1.0.dyli", at 0x11e3660cf, in gz::sensors::v8::RenderingSensor::Render() + 203

20 Object "libgz-rendering8-ogre2.8.1.1.dylib", at 0x12b295bd7, in gz::rendering::v8::Ogre2ThermalCamera::Render() + 103

19 Object "RenderSystem_Metal.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12bf9ec4b, in Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::compositorWorkspaceUpdate(Ogre::CompositorWorkspace*) + 43

18 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c421f8f, in Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update(bool) + 751

17 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c4194df, in Ogre::CompositorNode::_update(Ogre::Camera const, Ogre::SceneManager) + 267

16 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c42ff83, in Ogre::CompositorPassScene::execute(Ogre::Camera const*) + 895

15 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c21948b, in Ogre::Camera::_renderScenePhase02(Ogre::Camera const*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool) + 55

14 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c35d37b, in Ogre::SceneManager::_renderPhase02(Ogre::Camera, Ogre::Camera const, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool) + 1031

13 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c320a73, in Ogre::RenderQueue::render(Ogre::RenderSystem*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bool, bool) + 1011

12 Object "libOgreMain.2.3.1.dylib", at 0x12c3213d7, in Ogre::RenderQueue::renderGL3(Ogre::RenderSystem, bool, bool, Ogre::HlmsCache, Ogre::RenderQueue::RenderQueueGroup const&, Ogre::IndirectBufferPacked, unsigned char, unsigned char*) + 475

11 Object "libgz-rendering8-ogre2.8.1.1.dylib", at 0x12b224b0f, in Ogre::Ogre2GzHlmsPbs::fillBuffersForV2(Ogre::HlmsCache const, Ogre::QueuedRenderable const&, bool, unsigned int, Ogre::CommandBuffer) + 347

10 Object "libc++abi.dylib", at 0x1917145f7, in __cxa_rethrow + 203

9 Object "libc++abi.dylib", at 0x1917110cb, in std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 15

8 Object "libobjc.A.dylib", at 0x1913a01df, in _objc_terminate() + 159

7 Object "libc++abi.dylib", at 0x191701fa3, in demangling_terminate_handler() + 319

6 Object "libc++abi.dylib", at 0x191711d07, in abort_message + 131

5 Object "libsystem_c.dylib", at 0x191667a2f, in abort + 179

4 Object "libsystem_pthread.dylib", at 0x19175ac1f, in pthread_kill + 287

3 Object "libsystem_platform.dylib", at 0x19178b583, in _sigtramp + 55

2 Object "libgz-tools2-backward.2.0.1.dylib", at 0x100962e9b, in backward::SignalHandling::sig_handler(int, __siginfo, void) + 19

1 Object "libgz-tools2-backward.2.0.1.dylib", at 0x100962eff, in backward::SignalHandling::handleSignal(int, __siginfo, void) + 71

0 Object "libgz-tools2-backward.2.0.1.dylib", at 0x10096303f, in backward::StackTraceImpl::load_from(void, unsigned long, void, void*) + 43

Abort trap: 6