Expected behavior: Quadrotor model turns counter-clockwise (positive) when counter-clockwise rotors have higher motor angular velocity than clockwise rotors.
Actual behavior: Quadrotor turns clockwise (negative) in the described situation.
Steps to reproduce
Set 'quadrotor_base.sdf' front-right and back-left rotors to turn counter-clockwise, and front-left and back-right motors to turn clockwise using a MulticopterMotorModel plugin for each rotor. This is 'quadrotor_base.sdf' default configuration.
Set the MulticopterVelocityControl plugin 'rotorConfiguration' rotors to match the turning direction of the motors (1 is for ccw and -1 is for cw). This is also the default configuration for the plugin in the 'quadrotor_base.sdf' model from Gazebo.
Steps to reproduce
Quadrotor has negative angular velocity for the Z axis (should be positive)