Ubuntu 22.04.4
Build from source ros_gz with binary Iron + Garden
Expected behavior:
ros_gz_sim/create must use libgz-transport12 that present in Garden
Actual behavior:
[create-5] /home/ubuntu/ros2/ws/install/ros_gz_sim/lib/ros_gz_sim/create: error while loading shared libraries: libgz-transport13.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Steps to reproduce
Build from source ros_gz with binary Iron + Garden
in launch do some like these (it is not a full list of my launch):
[INFO] [joint_state_publisher_gui-1]: process started with pid [100445]
[INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [100447]
[INFO] [rviz2-3]: process started with pid [100449]
[INFO] [ruby $(which gz) sim-4]: process started with pid [100451]
[INFO] [create-5]: process started with pid [100457]
[create-5] /home/ubuntu/ros2/ws/install/ros_gz_sim/lib/ros_gz_sim/create: error while loading shared libraries: libgz-transport13.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[ERROR] [create-5]: process has died [pid 100457, exit code 127, cmd '/home/ubuntu/ros2/ws/install/ros_gz_sim/lib/ros_gz_sim/create -name Robot -x 1.2 -z 2.3 -Y 3.4 -topic /robot_description --ros-args']
Ubuntu 22.04.4 Build from source ros_gz with binary Iron + Garden
Steps to reproduce
in launch do some like these (it is not a full list of my launch):
[INFO] [joint_state_publisher_gui-1]: process started with pid [100445] [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [100447] [INFO] [rviz2-3]: process started with pid [100449] [INFO] [ruby $(which gz) sim-4]: process started with pid [100451] [INFO] [create-5]: process started with pid [100457] [create-5] /home/ubuntu/ros2/ws/install/ros_gz_sim/lib/ros_gz_sim/create: error while loading shared libraries: libgz-transport13.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [ERROR] [create-5]: process has died [pid 100457, exit code 127, cmd '/home/ubuntu/ros2/ws/install/ros_gz_sim/lib/ros_gz_sim/create -name Robot -x 1.2 -z 2.3 -Y 3.4 -topic /robot_description --ros-args']