gazetteerhk / census_explorer

Explore Hong Kong's neighborhoods through visualizations of census data
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New map base layer #29

Closed hxu closed 10 years ago

hxu commented 10 years ago

Default base layer is too busy. Maybe use Google Maps or Cloudmade? But either one will require an API key and has usage limits.

Any thoughts?

clacanzo commented 10 years ago

have you checked very accurate and when you zoom out the map is basically white…. like this: screen shot 2014-02-12 at 1 47 58 pm not sure if it is easy to implement, but centamap has zillions of functions as well and it works both in english and chinese…….

hxu commented 10 years ago

Seems like they are using official HK government map tiles hosted on their own server. I don't think they would take kindly to us querying their server for the tiles (though it seems like the URL is not protected...). I'll do a bit more research.

clacanzo commented 10 years ago

just for info, Centamap is powered by Centaline, a real estate company, so if they have something from the government, they are also borrowing! it's a private company, no affiliations with the HKSAR gov..... in any case, I think with what you have done wit google maps this is redundant!