gazoodle / gecko-home-assistant

Home Assistant integration for spas equipped with Gecko Alliance in.touch2 modules
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"Cooling to" temp is not consistent with in.touch app and local spa screen #81

Open hazymat opened 1 year ago

hazymat commented 1 year ago

I think there is some discrepancy between how in.touch2 app (and the hot tub's local display) shows the "set temperature" (aka target temp), when in Economy Mode.

I have set the Hot Tub to "Away" profile, which turns on Economy Mode.

My hot tub user manual suggests that Economy Mode will cause the actual target temperature to be 10°C lower than the target temp set by the buttons. I understand this to mean that if keep it set to 38°C, then the tub will automatically reduce to 28°C for as long as Economy Mode is activated. So "away mode" overrides the target temp with what I'll call "actual target temp".

In economy mode, both the hot tub's local display AND the in.touch2 app gives THREE temperatures:

I hope the above is a correct description of what happens?

So here is the discrepancy: In.touch2 app (and local controller) show all three temps as follows: the Actual Temp in large font, until you touch the circle (or press up/down on the local control unit) at which point the view changes to show the Target Temp. Then underneath, it says "cooling to" and shows the the Actual Target Temp. This seems correct, as it tells us the spa is actually cooling to the lower temp as caused by Economy Mode.

But the HA entity shows only two of these temps: the Actual Temp and the Target Temp (with "cooling" underneath). It doesn't show the Actual Target Temp, i.e. the temperature that the hot tub is actually aiming for.

I've included two screenshots showing this difference. Note: I think the "Actual Target Temp" is not the full 10°C lower than the "Target Temp" of 13°C due to built-in freeze protection.

screenshot from in.touch2 app screenshot from HA app
smash0190 commented 4 months ago

I think I experience a similar issue. The current temperature seems correct, however, the target set temperature that is displayed is incorrect. It does not look like a straight 10deg celsius offset to me.

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 8 07 10 AM