gazoscalvertos / Hass-Custom-Alarm

Yet another take on a home assistant custom alarm
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Support of multilangages #39

Open khzd opened 6 years ago

khzd commented 6 years ago

Hello This is an awesome component:) For a non English usage, is it possible to have support for others languages like French, Spanish ... The ideal solution would be implementation of labels directly in the config file? Another usage could be multi zone management : separate apartement? With regards

gazoscalvertos commented 6 years ago

Hi, language support is something I'm definitely working towards, unfortunately I can't re-use the home assistant language support as the translations are hard coded into their solution it seems.

Multi zone is also another feature I will bring in the future.

khzd commented 6 years ago

Very few words need to be translated 3 to 5, my suggestion is the add them in the yaml as optional: so for English speakers do not need to fill them, for the others they may if they need the translation. May I creat a a proposal directly on GitHub with the translated feature ? Cheers

gazoscalvertos commented 6 years ago

The plan is to allow for all english words to be translated using a CSV (or equivalent file) accessible from the settings page. The following list is what I have so far:

House Alarm Alarm Deactivated Perimeter Mode Perim Home Mode Alarm Mode Leave Mode Activated Trigger Mode Activated Warning Mode Activated Clear Panel Locked Out Open Sensors All Sensors Delayed Sensors Immediate Sensors Issues Information Cameras Log Custom Alarm has been triggered by Alarm has been tripped by set the alarm in X mode disarmed the alarm admin password enter password

I'm not sure if I'll do all of the settings and labels yet.

If you wish to add to the list feel free.


khzd commented 5 years ago

Great, any testers for other languages , I can test french list Cheers

khzd commented 5 years ago

Here is a french list: Alarme de maison/d’appartement...

Alarme désactivée

Mode Périmètre


Mode Maison/Appartement...

Mode Alarme

Quitter le mode activé

Mode de déclenchement activé

Mode d'avertissement activé


Panneau verrouillé

Capteurs ouverts

Tous les capteurs

Capteurs retardés

Capteurs immédiats




Journal de bord


L'alarme a été déclenchée par

L'alarme a été déclenchée par

régler l'alarme en mode X

Alarm désarmée

mot de passe administrateur

saisir le mot de passe

jonydebu commented 5 years ago

Hi , this is the spanish list :

Alarma de casa Alarma desactivada Modo perimetral Perímetro Modo hogar Modo alarma Modo salida activado Modo disparador Activado Modo aviso activado Borrado Panel cerrado Sensores abiertos Todos los sensores Sensores retardados Sensores inmediatos Problemas Información Cámaras Historial Personalizado Alarma a sido activada por Alarma a sido activada por Ajustar alarma en modo X Alarma desactivada Contraseña admin Introduzca contraseña

Miss : override = forzar

Regards .

khzd commented 5 years ago

hi any update on this ?