gazoscalvertos / Hass-Custom-Alarm

Yet another take on a home assistant custom alarm
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Custom interface broken in .79.3 #42

Closed adipose closed 5 years ago

adipose commented 5 years ago

When opening the alarm interface, I'm greeted with a hollow red circle and the whole interface crashes, requiring a browser reload of the page to do anything. Clicking on the alarm interface again crashes it again.

The button from the overview page works as expected.

Version .79.3

adipose commented 5 years ago

I was able to fix it by changing my alarm id to lower case on both alarm.yaml and panel_custom.yaml.

jbarcelov commented 5 years ago

When I opening the alarm interface, I'm greeted with a hollow red circle and the whole interface crashes,

Error was: alarm:462 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined at HTMLElement.updateTime (alarm:462) at Object.runMethodEffect [as fn] (app-084b7564.js:1067) at runEffectsForProperty (app-084b7564.js:1067) at runEffects (app-084b7564.js:1067) at HTMLElement._propertiesChanged (app-084b7564.js:1067) at HTMLElement._flushProperties (app-084b7564.js:1446) at HTMLElement._flushProperties (app-084b7564.js:1067) at HTMLElement.ready (app-084b7564.js:1067) at HTMLElement.ready (app-084b7564.js:1101) at HTMLElement.ready (alarm:270)

any ides????

Version .79.3

adipose commented 5 years ago

The problem was caused, for me, by it not being able to find the correct alarm id. In my case, because even though my alarm was in caps, it had to be in lowercase in alarm.yaml.

jbarcelov commented 5 years ago

In my alarm: ########################################################## platform: bwalarm name: house

alarm: automation.alarm_triggered warning: automation.alarm_warning ##########################################################

In my Panel_custom.yaml: ##########################################################

I have everything in lowercase, but still does not work.

Any idea??

adipose commented 5 years ago

Perhaps the lowercase was not what fixed it. Try using a totally different identifier like myhouse just to see if it fixes things.

Did you do javascript:latest already?

jbarcelov commented 5 years ago

I have changed the name to myhouse in alarm.yaml and panel_custom.yaml, but it still does not work.

In configuration.yaml I have this: ##############################################################

Enables the frontend

frontend: javascript_version: latest ##############################################################

The error is:

api/panel_custom/alarm:462:19 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined

gazoscalvertos commented 5 years ago

@jbarcelov It appears you are using the master release. Please use the NewUI branch and try again. I will merge the newui changes into the master release