gazpachu / joanmira

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VueJS: first impression and how to work with SVGs #57

Open gazpachu opened 2 years ago

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Written on 13/01/2017


gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by Andrew on 01/13/2017

Great write-up :) I ended up using the same approach in my project as well

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by gazpachu on 01/13/2017

@Andrew Thanks for letting me know!

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by JSalandy on 01/14/2017

Thanks for sharing this, great read! Very informative, clear and concise, I'll be trying this approach on my next project.

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by gazpachu on 01/14/2017

Cheers mate :)

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by Mali Naeemi on 03/18/2017

It's no longer allowed to omit the '-loader' suffix when using loaders. You need to specify 'svg-sprite-loader' instead of 'svg-sprite'. Being a noob, I was scratching my head whole day to solve the error that I was getting and it was this small issue.. Please change your loader snippet to:

loader: 'svg-sprite-loader?' + JSON.stringify({
name: '[name]_[hash]',
prefixize: true
gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by Gustavo Soeiro Senise on 08/02/2017

Hello Joan,

I followed your steps but could not get this to work. The app runs but I get error trying to load the svgs. I assume that this is a vue-cli version problem. My package.json is like this:

"name": "svgtests",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Vue.js project",
"author": "",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "node build/dev-server.js",
"start": "node build/dev-server.js",
"build": "node build/build.js",
"unit": "cross-env BABEL_ENV=test karma start test/unit/karma.conf.js --single-run",
"e2e": "node test/e2e/runner.js",
"test": "npm run unit && npm run e2e",
"lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src test/unit/specs test/e2e/specs"
"dependencies": {
"svg-sprite-loader": "^3.0.10",
"vue": "^2.3.3",
"vue-router": "^2.6.0"
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^7.1.2",
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"last 2 versions",
"not ie <= 8"

Can you please help?

gazpachu commented 2 years ago

Comment written by Alina Chernavskikh on 10/03/2017

Can you add some demo?