gazugafan / fingerpass

Windows tray app to paste a password after scanning a fingerprint
MIT License
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Different actions for different fingerprints? #5

Open sirtet opened 1 year ago

sirtet commented 1 year ago

Could you execute different actions (fill in different credentials) based on the scanned finger? Or is the message you get only something like "valid scan"?

I am looking for something like fingerpass, but i need it to fill in different credentials based on the scanned finger. (Windows-user stays the same, always logged in. Then, based on the finger scan, log a differnt user into a POS Software)

Additionally, i would need more than 10 different users, and as i understand, Hello will only store 10 fingers per (Windows-)User.

gazugafan commented 1 year ago

FingerPass won't work like that, but I believe you could accomplish this using a fingerprint scanner in Windows if you write something custom. I remember seeing something similar already built, where you could configure a different command to run for each finger. This, I think...

sirtet commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Yes, i figured FingerPass will not work like that. I wanted to ask if it would be possible through the mechanism/api you use. Does it provide you with info about WHICH finger was scanned?

Yes, HotFinger is more like it in the way that it recognizes different fingers and triggers different actions. But i think it would not easily adopt to what i need.

I use a commercial solution called BioSnapOn, but it's a bit quirky, so i am looking for alternatives, but it seems like no substitute exists...

gazugafan commented 1 year ago

If I remember right, the API I used only gave me an ID relating to the Windows Hello user that the fingerprint belonged to--not the fingerprint itself. I could be wrong, though. It's been a couple years since I've touched this!

You can take a look at the API I used here...

... and maybe reference how I used it, since I remember there being some undocumented stuff.