gbarisano / alps

Bash script to compute DTI-ALPS
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Can I replace eddy_openmp with eddy _ correct in FSL #1

Closed Defuse3 closed 1 year ago

Defuse3 commented 1 year ago

I can't use the eddyopenmp function in FSL and the correction is time-consuming. can I change it to eddy correct?

And I can't find the article you asked me to cite, has it not been online yet?

gbarisano commented 1 year ago

Hello. I have updated my pipeline to allow the user to choose the eddy_correct command from $FSLDIR/bin/ . This can now be chosen with the option -e 3. Give it a try!

Our article is currently in press and will be online soon! If you are submitting a paper right now, please just include the reference as is in the README file and the link to this repository. By the time your paper will be online, our paper should be online too! Thank you!