gbdev / rgbds

Rednex Game Boy Development System - An assembly toolchain for the Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color
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Measure RGBDS performance #653

Open ISSOtm opened 3 years ago

ISSOtm commented 3 years ago

Some people have been complaining about RGBDS performance being subpar. With the growing complexity of the codebase, particularly the increasing amount of features—especially for RGBASM—, I am worried about how taxing a given change may be on the overall performance.

This is split in two sub-problems:


To know how slow the programs currently are, we should identify their processing bottlenecks. I did that with perf once, but the data was fairly lackluster beyond "60% of your time is spent inside yyparse". Maybe gprof would be better, or something else?

Measuring the performance impact of changes

Rangi42 commented 3 years ago

For reference, gprof output after running current master rgbasm on pokecrystal's main.asm (which produces a 5 MB main.o file):

Rangi42 commented 3 years ago

gprof is probably not a good choice:

Valgrind could be useful, though not on Windows or Cygwin.

daid commented 3 years ago

gprof can point to hotspots, however, it has all kinds of problems with the optimizer and static functions. Quite likely the fstk_Init count is actually a static function that is somewhere after it in the binary. Disabling the compiler optimizations isn't really an option, as that makes the measurement invalid. And it looks like gprof is spending a lot of time in it's own accounting function (_mcount_private), which makes any time based result invalid.

Rangi42 commented 3 years ago

valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --simulate-cache=yes --collect-jumps=yes ./rgbasm -o main.o main.asm produces accurate-looking results.


Maybe peekInternal could be optimized for the common peek(0) and peek(1) cases, and for when nothing is getting expanded further yet.

daid commented 3 years ago

I think peekInternal is also reading from disk, so I would read from tmpfs to make sure it's not some kind of disk performance thing you are seeing here.

Rangi42 commented 3 years ago

Also regarding performance, look into whether mmap is actually an improvement, as noted in #557.

ISSOtm commented 3 years ago

According to perf annotate on pokecrystal's main.asm file, 31% of the CPU time is spent copying the yylval type, which is 264 bytes large (0x108). Moving to variable-size strings (#650) should help reduce this; I think the next larger member of the %union is the struct Expression, but that's already much shorter.

Rangi42 commented 2 years ago

The struct Expression copying could also be improved by arranging its members from largest to smallest for better packing; same for any other widely-copied structs. (Unfortunately this can mean losing some meaningful order to them, but unlike Rust, the compiler won't optimize it for you.)

Rangi42 commented 2 weeks ago

Bison's C++ parser, using its own variant instead of a union and allowing tokens to have nontrivial constructors, significantly slows things down. We might be able to switch back to a C-style one and add manual allocation of nontrivial token values (plus %destructors).