gbdev / rgbobj

A Rust program for humans to inspect RGBDS object files
MIT License
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Example usage #9

Open avivace opened 2 months ago

avivace commented 2 months ago

To better promote/show off the tool, it would be cool to add some example usage/output

Rangi42 commented 1 month ago

@ISSOtm Want to handle this one? I'm not sure if you'd want it in the README, man page, --help output, or what.

ISSOtm commented 1 month ago

I'm thinking the README and/or website would be appropriate. We would surely want to keep it simple, so I'm thinking of a video of assembling the following ROM and running it in an emulator?

SECTION "Header", ROM0[$100]

    jp Main

    ds $150 - @, 0 ; Reserve some space for RGBFIX to fill in the header.


    ; Wait for VBlank.
    ldh a, [rLY]
    cp 144
    jr nz, .waitVBlank

    ; Move the Nintendo logo left a little.
    ldh a, [rSCX]
    inc a
    ldh [rSCX], a

    ; And keep going!
    jr Main
avivace commented 1 month ago

Cool @ISSOtm . Should we create a section / a page on the rgbds-www?

ISSOtm commented 1 month ago

If it's meant to show off a little, shouldn't we put it on the front page?

avivace commented 1 month ago

If it's meant to show off a little, shouldn't we put it on the front page?

but then front page of a separate website? Is it worth to build a separate website when rgbds-www?

ISSOtm commented 1 month ago

Oh, this is rgbobj, not rgbds itself. My apologies, I got confused.

Scratch what I said above about a video, an ASCIIcast would probably be a good idea. Not sure where to put it, though.

Something @Rangi42 and I have been considering for rgbds-www, is creating a page showing peripheral tooling support (e.g. editor/IDE syntax highlighting, etc.), maybe seeded with some of the current content of awesome-gbdev. rgbobj would have a good place there!

avivace commented 1 month ago

Oh, this is rgbobj, not rgbds itself. My apologies, I got confused.

Scratch what I said above about a video, an ASCIIcast would probably be a good idea. Not sure where to put it, though.

Something @Rangi42 and I have been considering for rgbds-www, is creating a page showing peripheral tooling support (e.g. editor/IDE syntax highlighting, etc.), maybe seeded with some of the current content of awesome-gbdev. rgbobj would have a good place there!

Yes, exactly. What about a Tools -> rgbobj page ? (with tools in the navbar?). See also

Anyway, @ISSOtm the snippet you previously posted for rgbds itself could also be a nice addition to the home page, no? (maybe let's move this discussion to an issue on rgbds-www ?)

ISSOtm commented 1 month ago

“Tools” sounds a little less broad than what we're aiming for, since it includes things like syntax highlighting. “Integrations”? (“Support” sounds like we're offering some kind of on-call service :P)