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1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search) #34

Closed janahoffmann closed 12 years ago

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

search with AND, OR, NOT, +, “search term”

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

previous comments: @fwelter Boolean terms seach (and, or etc.) should NOT be included in the default search function. The default search function should be able to understand the word "and" as a word belonging to the title.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Thi is the simple search option (box under the Navigation blog).

janahoffmann commented 12 years ago

tested following operator: "search term", AND, +, OR all work fine in simple search

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, “search term”

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, “search term”

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Testers: @fwelter

LarissaS commented 12 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, "search term"

Test 1: searching for " waterhouse AND mammalia " - one record of RMCA (double! I don't know if I have to mention it always!) "waterhouse OR mammalian" - 223 records " waterhouse + mammalia " - 223 records "waterhouse" - one record "mammalia" - 223 records "natural selection" - 1 record

"boulenger AND poisons" - 10 records (5 doubles from RMCA) "boulenger OR poisons" - 52 records (5 doubles from RMCA) "boulenger" - 39 (5 doubles from RMCA) "poissons" - 23 (5 doubles from RMCA)

"natural selection" - 1 record "African fish" - no records, African fish - 230 records, African AND fish - 4 records "African flora" - no records, African flora - 582, African AND flora - 2 records

As I already mentioned it's very difficult to estimate results of search without having highlighting in the detail description. For example, if I look for Boulenger in BHL-US, I get 28 results: these are books written by Boulenger, I can immediately see that there are two authors with name Boulenger, I also can see scientific names starting with bouleng... It is very practical. But BHL-US has no possibility to search with Boolean operators, at least I did not find. In BHL-Eu searching for Boulenger give me 39 records, where only 10 from RMCA (5 doubles) are written by Boulenger, in other 29 records Boulenger is only mentioned in annotation or the scientific name starting with boulenger.... and you have to open every record to see what did you find! Not practical. So far as I see search with Boolean operators works good, but I would like to see in search results for example "boulenger OR poissons" how many records are matching "boulenger" and how many "poissons", to see in what records boulenger is an author and how many different authors with the same name I have. May be I explained not clear, but I find the search results presented not clear!

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 1 августа 2011 г. 10:17 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (#34)

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, "search term"

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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AntonioGVH commented 12 years ago

Jiri, I am using the words you suggest for querying the portal, assuming that there is some content that have those words inside the documents. I assume there is no point to ask, for instance, for 'Garcia' and 'ticks', if there are no documents with those words in the data base. Please, correct me if I am wrong.

Search with:

mouse and Hedley

gives 5 results. I searched the pdf of the first result and nowhere appear 'Hedley'.

Besides that, once I click on the first record, the next screen shows all the language options cross out. Screen shot included.



Quoting JiriFrank:

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, “search term”

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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AntonioGVH commented 12 years ago

Continuation of the previous 1.1.2

Searching by mouse AND Hedley (AND in upper case letters) produce no result. Using OR with capital letters works the same as with lower case letters.


Quoting JiriFrank:

Testing of feature 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

search with AND, OR, +, “search term”

e.g. mouse and Hedley mouse or Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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fwelter commented 12 years ago

1.1.2 boolean operators and or +



voyage + iles

voyage and iles

voyage or iles

"voyage iles"

mantides and musee

mantides or musee

mantides + musee

"mantides du musee"

"mantides musee"

"mantide du muse"

über and placenta

über and placenta AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"Royal Museum for Central Africa"

über and placenta AND europeana_dataProviderfacet:"Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld" über and placenta AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"NCB Naturalis" über and placenta AND europeana_dataProviderfacet:"UB der Humboldt-Universität, Zweigbibliothek Museum für Naturkunde" über and placenta AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum"

exact search does not work, the boolean operators AND + OR do not work on the main page. it seems that the search within the data providers accept boolean operators, but not the general search.

search in quotes "xxx" is expected to return exactly what is in the quotes and nothing else. this does not work properly: the program seems to accept some tolerance, for example -e and -es at the ending of words is ignored. It is acceptable that diacritic marks are ignored in this kind of search (and also capitalised letters).

1 - the result lists generally displayed titles where none of the words were contained in the title, author or year, but in the text of the abstract and notes of the item page.

2 - single journal volumes were displayed for serial runs, they blocked all intelligent search attempts and spammed the results list with over and over the same journal title.


F. Welter-Schultes Zoologisches Institut, Berliner Str. 28, D-37073 Goettingen Phone +49 551 395536, Fax +49 551 395579

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Search with Boolean operators seems to works properly. Serching for exact phrase in the case in one word have some level of tolerance which was reported in bug #177.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search)

COR number: 1.2.14 Testing platform:


search with AND, OR, NOT, +, “search term” in Advanced search

e.g. mouse AND Hedley mouse OR Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Use the search terms from books I sent in the list yesterday.

Closer explanations of Boolean operators see here

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

RalfH commented 12 years ago

Everything works perfect.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012 13:07 An: Hand, Ralf Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search) (#34)

1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search)

COR number: 1.2.14 Testing platform:


search with AND, OR, NOT, +, "search term" in Advanced search

e.g. mouse AND Hedley mouse OR Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Use the search terms from books I sent in the list yesterday.

Closer explanations of Boolean operators see here

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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HenningScholz commented 12 years ago

This works. In terms of useability (I know we are not testing for useability, but...) it is not intuitive how to work with the "AND" operator. There are buttons for NOT and OR but not for AND. It also looks like using AND or a space between the serach terms give the same result. Also just adding a search field and typing in the next search term gives the same results. But this is a useability problem.


Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Di 17.01.2012 13:07 An: Scholz, Henning Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search) (#34)

1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search)

COR number: 1.2.14 Testing platform:


search with AND, OR, NOT, +, "search term" in Advanced search

e.g. mouse AND Hedley mouse OR Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Use the search terms from books I sent in the list yesterday.

Closer explanations of Boolean operators see here

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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AnneSch commented 12 years ago

Works fine.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012 13:07 An: Scholz, Annemarie Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search) (#34)

1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search)

COR number: 1.2.14 Testing platform:


search with AND, OR, NOT, +, "search term" in Advanced search

e.g. mouse AND Hedley mouse OR Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Use the search terms from books I sent in the list yesterday.

Closer explanations of Boolean operators see here

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.2 - Search with Boolean operators (now: 1.2.14 Advanced Search)

COR number: 1.2.14 Testing platform:


search with AND, OR, NOT, +, “search term” in Advanced search

e.g. mouse AND Hedley mouse OR Hedley mouse + Hedley "mature mouse"

Use the search terms from books I sent in the list yesterday.

Closer explanations of Boolean operators see here

@AntonioGVH @fwelter @LarissaS

grahamhrbge1670 commented 12 years ago

I'm switching between Firefox 9.0 and IE 8.
The Boolean search is working for Author + Title ; Title NOT Author ; Title + Year ;

However, I have a few basic functionality problems. The reset button does not work in Advanced Search, I'm having to manually clear the search box, which is time consuming.

Another problem, which might probably be related to the inability to clear the search box using the reset button, is that searches set by other testers are appearing when I hit the step back button in Advanced Search and also when I switched to IE8 from Firefox 9.0. When I switched over the Advanced Search: Author: Krogerus + Year: 1932 was appearing.


JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

The functionality is working fine. From the testers comment rise up two small requirements.

  1. Functional integration of Boolean operator AND needs to be explained in tutorial and hint bar.
  2. Menu Add field will be renamed to "Add field / AND"

@HenningScholz Yes the AND is set up as default in search between search fields and unordered keywords. It must be as default for facet list, because all categories in facet list need to be related by AND (filter function). It is also the reason why is possible use the OR or NOT just inside the search field and not between fields. It is based on mathematics logic. e.g. 5_3+5_3=60 but (5_3)+(5_3)=30. the first case is without AND as default.

@grahamhrbge1670 The reset button is fixed and working now. The fields in advanced search are still filed till you do not close your session by using reset button or adding new search from simple search or browse. If you go from result list to book bibliographic page and even to book-viewer you are still in your session and have the possibility go back and modify you search.

The step back button in result list was changed to Edit search button and the result list was integrated under the advanced search block or browse block. It solved several problems and will be tested in next phase.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Requirement for discussion.

"Enter"automatically add the OR.

"Tab" is working properly and changing between menus.

Is a requirement for "Enter" to be sets up as default request for starting search?

@HenningScholz @chris-sleep @GrahamHigley

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Requirements above are independent and do not affect directly this feature functionality. Feature could be close.

@chris-sleep @lobajuluwa

chris-sleep commented 12 years ago

Boolean default function is now working as required to enable the search and faceting (to increase precision) functionality