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1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) #39

Closed janahoffmann closed 12 years ago

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

Related bug #178, #289

Connected issue: #56

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

ready for testing

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

Search for "phyto" give results for all terms beginning with phyto- - o.k. use of "" is required and needs to be explained (to user) - see advanced search 3 explanations

There is no function that allows search with truncated terms without wildcard options!

Does not work for truncation at the beginning - as discussed in Tervuren - bug!

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

This is a simple search function. For truncated terms is necessary use the symbol star "*".

Tested Cephalopoda Cephalopoda – 9 results Cepha* - 0 results - bug Cephalo* - about 100 Cephalop* - 0 results - bug Cephalopo* - 0 results - bug *phalopoda – error – bug

This function doesn’t work properly. Bug: Searching with truncated terms at the end works just in specific length of searched word. Bug: Searching with truncated terms at the beginning doesn’t work.

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end, e.g. ‘volution’, ‘evol’

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end, e.g. ‘volution’, ‘evol’

Testers: @fwelter

LarissaS commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms This function does not work properly. Searching for "ichthyologique" gives 3 records "ichthyo" - 38 "icht" - 43 "ichthyolog*" - 24 So, this looks ok

Searching for "zoogdieren" gives 8 results from Naturalis "*dieren" - error! "dieren" - 37

Searching with Advanced search 2 and 3: "crustacea" - 291 "crustac" - 323 " crus" - 339 Looks OK

Searching with truncation in front of the word gives always error

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 1 августа 2011 г. 10:24 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (#39)

Testing of feature 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end, e.g. 'volution', 'evol'

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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11/8/2011 - Filtered through antispam by ICT

AntonioGVH commented 13 years ago

Using the example in the manual, I get:

As an additional comment, I think that this test should be have done on in two steps: a) first, on a selected set of works with a very diversified set of words and characters b) then, on a wider, but somewhat controlled set.

Unless one knows what is expected by a query, (eg, 3 books if one ask for 'ticks'), it is impossible to know if the query system works.


Quoting JiriFrank:

Testing of feature 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end, e.g. ‘volution’, ‘evol’

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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fwelter commented 13 years ago

1.1.7 truncated terms



"mantides du muse"

"mantides du mus"

"antides du muse"

"mantide du muse"

"mantide du muse*"

"mantide du mus*"

"*antides du muse"

"mantid* du muse"

"manti* du muse"













manti* mus*

899 hits: manti* mus* AND europeana_dataProviderfacet:"NCB Naturalis" 795 hits: manti* mus* AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum" 102 hits: manti* mus* AND europeana_dataProviderfacet:"Royal Museum for Central Africa" 61 hits: manti* mus* AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"UB der Humboldt-Universität, Zweigbibliothek Museum für Naturkunde" 35 hits: manti* mus* AND europeana_dataProvider__facet:"Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld"

"22eme note"







hepiali* 22eme







1 - the result lists generally displayed titles where none of the words were contained in the title, author or year, but in the text of the abstract and notes of the item page.

2 - single journal volumes were displayed for serial runs, they blocked all intelligent search attempts and spammed the results list with over and over the same journal title.


F. Welter-Schultes Zoologisches Institut, Berliner Str. 28, D-37073 Goettingen Phone +49 551 395536, Fax +49 551 395579

akohlbecker commented 12 years ago

191 is unresolved special case which is related to this issue!

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

RalfH commented 12 years ago

It works but I found the following problem:

If you search Lyhykaeinen (part of a title) instead of Lyhykäinen it works but the combination with * (i.e. Lyhykaeine) results in no results. Lyhykäine works. Obviously, the combination of diacritic letter alternatives and wildcard seems to be problematic (in simple and advanced).

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012 13:46 An: Hand, Ralf Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AntonioGVH @fwelter @LarissaS

LarissaS commented 12 years ago

Works good

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 19 января 2012 г. 11:45 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AntonioGVH @fwelter @LarissaS

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19/1/2012 - Filtered through antispam by ICT

HenningScholz commented 12 years ago

This seems to work. Interesting: while Anthropomorphae is not working, Anthro* is working to give the result.

Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Di 17.01.2012 13:45 An: Scholz, Henning Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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AnneSch commented 12 years ago

Works fine.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012 13:46 An: Scholz, Annemarie Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

The basic functionality is done. One bug for special cases needs to be fixed.

Related bug Issue #289 @chris-sleep

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Ready for testing.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

Testers: @AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@GregKenicer @GeoffHarper @KasiaGoral @MartinaMetzger @DanielFisher @NeilWoodcock @SaraPerzley @SaraCarlton @HannaKoivula @PaiviLipsanen

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@PaiviJaakkola @SiniKarki @TiinaOnttonen

GeoffHarper commented 12 years ago

(1) I started by typing 'Plantas medicinales de Filipinas' in Advanced Search, and got a negative result; but I see that Advanced Search doesn't offer a title-only option, so I then tried the same title in Simple Search, and also got a negative result. (2) Simple Search offers as an alternative 'plantes originales deel Filipinas', but when that is chosen the search result is still negative. (3) All that is by way of trying to find a title which does give a search result, before using '_' on a missing part of a word. So now I'll try 'Les Arachnides de France' in Simple Search; but it too gives a negative result, while also offering 'keys arachneides deel France' (with acute accent on 'e' in 'arachneides'); again, search result negative. (4) If I can't get the Search facility to work at all, I can't test the wildcards. (5) Last attempt: I searched '_schenaffen' in Advanced Search (for 'Menschenaffen') with only 'title' ticked, and the result was negative. (6) I am getting the impression that nothing is working with Internet Explorer 9. I'll take a break now, then must make some observations in the Garden, but I should be able to spend another hour on it later this morning. (7) By the way I am using apostrophes (') in these messages to name words, symbols, &c, and I'm not typing them into the search box. Geoff

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 12 April 2012 16:28 To: Geoffrey Harper Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@GregKenicer @GeoffHarper @KasiaGoral @MartinaMetzger @DanielFisher @NeilWoodcock @SaraPerzley @SaraCarlton @HannaKoivula @PaiviLipsanen

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The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a Charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

tiinaonttonen commented 12 years ago

System: Windows 7 Enterprise 6.1 (Build 7601: SP 1) Browser: Firefox 10.0.3

Simple search, default ticks: land*

5 results, including "Guide de la section de l'Etat" and "Bibliografía de la fauna de Guinea Ecuatorial" which both include la ....n... de

char* 7 results, including "´Bibliografía de la fauna de Guinea Ecuatorial" by "Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC"

The fuzzy search may bring too many results to be practical when there will be lots of stuff (unless it works differently when there are more results?)

Ûbe* - no results (but when typing "übe" the search suggests "did you mean ûber", so the word would be found)

Ube* two results, both include ûber or Ûber

cional 4 results nde's 3 results

Generally, seems to work well.

GeoffHarper commented 12 years ago

Hi Jiri In Advanced Search I've tried 'uber die unter' (negative result), 'uber die unter_' (positive result) and '_ber die unter*' (positive result). So the wildcard seems to work OK.

(Now that I'm getting the hang of it, I wish I could continue, but I have no more time. My apologies. I hope other testers here will be more efficient than I've been!. Best of luck with the project.)


-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 12 April 2012 16:28 To: Geoffrey Harper Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

@GregKenicer @GeoffHarper @KasiaGoral @MartinaMetzger @DanielFisher @NeilWoodcock @SaraPerzley @SaraCarlton @HannaKoivula @PaiviLipsanen

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The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a Charity registered in Scotland (No SC007983)

HenningScholz commented 12 years ago

This is interesting, using one search string without * does not work, putting the * in front of the search term, does not work, but the at the end of the search string, does work, e.g. *be - no; be - yes, be - no.

sometimes it also needs two , e.g. *werp, to find anything.

this feature seems to work a bit inconsistently. when I search for be* and find uber, I should find antwerpsche as well when I search werp* - not the case....

Von: JiriFrank [] Gesendet: Do 12.04.2012 17:27 An: Scholz, Henning Betreff: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15)

COR number: 1.2.15 Testing platform: Function: Simple search, Advanced search


Search with truncated terms at the beginning and at the end using wildcards, e.g. *volution, evol*

Testers: @AnneSch @AntonioGVH @fwelter @grahamhrbge1670 @heimor @HenningScholz @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS @RalfH

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grahamtestrbge commented 12 years ago

Worked searching for "rande" and "geogn" also "minees" and "gramin" So on balance it works

LarissaS commented 12 years ago

Sorry for starting late! I am working with Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Searching for "belg'" I get proposal from auto complete function "Belgium" - 4 results, "belgique" - 3 results. Choosing first one give me indeed 4 results: two where Belgique is in the title and two where I could not find any word with "belg". Choosing second one give me 0 results! Ignoring auto completion give me 0 results.
  2. Searching for " 'unio" gives 1 result where no word "unio" to find!, while searching for "reuni' " autocomplete it until Réunion and gives one good result from Vinson.
  3. searching for "cham' " or "ois' " worked correct

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 11 апреля 2012 г. 16:01 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.1.7 - Search with truncated terms (now Advanced Search 1.2.15) (#39)

Ready for testing.

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16/4/2012 - Filtered through antispam by ICT

KasiaGoral commented 12 years ago

Searched for:

  1. 'Uni* of Edin*'

(University of Edinburgh)


  1. 'libr*'
    • No result


KasiaGoral commented 12 years ago

Sorry, misunderstood this task as well and searched for words not in the current book list.

This time searched for:

'Les oise* utiles' No result.

'Les oisea* utiles' No result.

Even 'Les oisea* utiles' gives no result.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Ready for close.