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1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication (Advanced Search) #46

Closed janahoffmann closed 12 years ago

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago


Search needs to be always in form e.g. [1850 TO 1950]. For simple and advanced search.

Search by range of years of publication, e.g. 1850-1950 reported bug #170

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Advance search 2 and 3

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

This feature is not working correctly. If you select the metadatafield 'date' and indicate a range e.g. 1901-1905 it also displays results with 1905 in the title metadata field. It should only display result with the year 1901-1905 in the publication metadata field. The search is only performed for the start and end point e.g. if you search for 1857 to 1859 the search is only performed for "1857" and "1859", but it should also search for 1858.

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Brackets are needed for search for ranges mentioned in Advance search3: [start TO end], but it reports a error. mentioned bug #179

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search by range, e.g. 1850-1950

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search by range, e.g. 1850-1950

Testers: @fwelter

LarissaS commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.2.2 - Search by year of publication

Searching with Advanced search 1: With all words: 1908 gives 99 matches as well for literature published in 1908 as for texts where 1908 is just mentioned in the bibliographic record.

Searching in exact field with "1908": I was doubting between CREATED and ISSUED, by trying I've got 0 results for first and 6 results for second.

Searching with Advanced search 2: I choose field ISSUAD "1908" and have got same result - 6 records

Conclusion: it is not clear if year of publication corresponds to CREATED or ISSUED field.

I am sorry, I just have seen that there is also field DATE and searching with DATE: 1908 gave me 21 result (all from Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum) but 6 result which I have got with searching be CREATED: 1908 (RMVA, RBGE) are not in. Is it due to difference in metadata fields between different content providers?

Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication (#46)

Watch out: mistake in Advanced search 3 - it is written "serach for ranges via:"

I have used this option and searching with Advanced search 3: 1900 TO 1908 gave me 214 records, which is obviously to much, these are not only books published in this range, but also books where these dates are just mentioned in the bibliographic record. There is also mismatch between numbers in left column DATA PROVIDER and real number of records then you click on one of providers.

So, I did not really understood how I could find literature published between 1900 and 1908!

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 1 августа 2011 г. 10:28 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication (#46)

Testing of feature 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search by range, e.g. 1850-1950

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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AntonioGVH commented 13 years ago

This option doesn't work properly.

I tested for '1984 - 1994' and I got work published out of that range.


Quoting JiriFrank:

Testing of feature 1.2.3 - Search by range of years of publication

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search by range, e.g. 1850-1950

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

fwelter commented 13 years ago

1.2.3 range of years, Advanced Search 3

Advanced Search 3 restored the simple search mode automatically after each single search




Advanced Search 2

dc_date 1980-1990

dc_date 1894-1921

dcterms_issued 1980-1990

dcterms_issued 1894-1921

dcterms_issued 196*

dcterms_issued 192*

1 - the result lists generally displayed titles where none of the words were contained in the title, author or year, but in the text of the abstract and notes of the item page.

2 - single journal volumes were displayed for serial runs, they blocked all intelligent search attempts and spammed the results list with over and over the same journal title.


F. Welter-Schultes Zoologisches Institut, Berliner Str. 28, D-37073 Goettingen Phone +49 551 395536, Fax +49 551 395579

lobajuluwa commented 12 years ago

Jiri following on from the Portal Review Workshop held in the Hague: This feature is still "Open" in the Test Core Release Milestone for August - Pls confirm if feature is fully functional or not? Thanks. @JiriFrank

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

@lobajuluwa It doesn’t works because of the problem with metadata. Now it is not possible to test it without functional testing platform with the content. It must be open and available for testing hopefully very soon.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Andreas will addapted that.

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

It is still not working. Range of years working just for simple search and still not properly. In simple search you need to search in form e.g. 1900-1919. You will get 3 results with years 1919, 1900 and 1900-07. The book with year e.g. 1910 is not included in the result. Typing 1900 TO 1919 has no results.

In advanced search search for range of years in metadata field "year" does not work in any form.

@akohlbecker @chris-sleep

Bug reported Issue #290 Related feature Issue #48

JiriFrank commented 12 years ago

Works fine and is tested. Could be closed.
