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1.2.10a - Search for origin of publication (renamed, Advanced Search) #53

Closed janahoffmann closed 12 years ago

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

Updated description: Search in metadata field 'origin of publication', this means city or country, e.g. search for books published in Berlin or Germany.

Extension: Invoke webservices in order to get the location/ country of a city. Provide a map.

Preconditions: Provision of origin of publication by CP with metadata. For extension: Integration of geographic reference webservices.

Old description: Search in metadata field language or origin of publication, e.g. Search for books published in Germany in 1950-1956

Related bug #180

Connected issue #237 (previously summarised under 1.2.10 Search for publishing country/ language)

fwelter commented 13 years ago

4th column: It would possibly be necessary to have a database/controlled vocabulary to understand terms like "Lipsiae".

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

@fwelter Can you explain what you mean here..I don't see this being related to the issue...4th column of what?

fwelter commented 13 years ago

I meant the 4th column in your PDF document.

I do not know if library metadata contain a field "country of publication", I thought not. I know they do have a field "locality of publication" which usually contains one or more cities, often copied from the original source. "Lipsiae" (= Leipzig, Germany) is an example to illustrate that if the locality was copied from the original source, then a database is necessary to decode this term and associate "country: Germany" to the term "Lipsiae".

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

@sprogerb There is a metadata field language 'language of metadata' or 'language of publication/ volume'. Could you please clarify whether this would be helpful for this issue or not? @fwelter So, a controlled vocabulary would not be needed if only the language matters. Of course this would be more a proxy. @jirifrank What metadata field do you use for BLE as you have the function sort by country?

janahoffmann commented 13 years ago

ready for testing

search for language works fine in general but only if you use: e.g. "deutsch", it doesn't work for "German" - predefined search terms required (generally understood), pull down menus would be very helpful for the user here (existed in German prototype)

in facet list inconsistent use of language description...sometimes 'eng' and sometimes 'english' or 'ger' and 'German'

search for language can be combined with search in other fields e.g. deutsch and Afrika - o.k.

search for publishing country not established - what would be the correct metadata field for search?

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Some of the Books details in BLE are edited automatically from the metadata and book ID, e. g. Place and Publisher. Based on this information I just check the right country in country category in editing book details form. This will connect the book with the category and the book is sorted by country. It is different system than on the portal.

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Bug: Portal includes on Russian book written in Russian

Дополнения и уточнения к фауне чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) Тульской области. 1 = Additions and corrections to the fauna of Lepidoptera of the Tula Province. 1

but Matches for: dc_language:Russian have 0 results.

The same for Matches for: dc_language:Español or Matches for: dc_language:Spanish

The same for Matches for: dc_language:French or Matches for: dc_language:Français Books written by these languages are on portal.

Deutsch and English seems to be fine.

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search in metadata field language or origin of publication, e.g. Search for books published in Germany in 1950-1956

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

JiriFrank commented 13 years ago

Testing of feature 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search in metadata field language or origin of publication, e.g. Search for books published in Germany in 1950-1956

Testers: @fwelter

LarissaS commented 13 years ago

Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language (#53)

Searching with Advanced search 1: Search does not work for "French" or "dutch", but finds "fre" and "dut" but only in RMCA collection. Searching for "English" gave 28 records from Copenhagen where "English" is mentioned in the metadata filed. Searching for "eng" gives 214 records, looks Ok.

Obviously Naturalis and Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum have no field "language" in their metadata?

It's also annoying then I go back for new search, I have to choose the field again! May be the button "change the search" could be usefull

Searching with Advanced search 2: I notice that if I add new field and after entering search term I automatically push on "enter" instead of starting the search I get one field and have to restart again all process.

-----Original Message----- From: JiriFrank [] Sent: 1 августа 2011 г. 10:29 To: Smirnova Larissa Subject: Re: [bhle] 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language (#53)

Testing of feature 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search in metadata field language or origin of publication, e.g. Search for books published in Germany in 1950-1956

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

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10/8/2011 - Filtered through antispam by ICT

AntonioGVH commented 13 years ago

This option seems to get works by both criteria, eg. -queriing by 'Spain' and '1984', gets works with 'Spain', '1984' and 'Spain 1984'.

I think that it is interesting to offer in the result of the query, a summary of works found under each criteria. I discovered that queriing by 'Sapin 1984' I got a lot of records. Queriing by 'Sapin' there are no records at all, so, the previos query are for works of 1984. That is why I tink that a summary could be useful.


Quoting JiriFrank:

Testing of feature 1.2.10 - Search for publishing country/ language

Feature description from the Catalogue of user requirements:

Search in metadata field language or origin of publication, e.g. Search for books published in Germany in 1950-1956

Testers: @AntonioGVH @fwelter @heimor @janahoffmann @JFTester @JiriFrank @LarissaS

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

fwelter commented 13 years ago

1.2.10 language/country

sorry for the ?????? in this mail, they referred to Russian characters that were not displayed in my mailer

Advanced Search 2

I did not get to know how to search for country. I only found a way to search for language in Advanced Search 2.








simple search: ??????????


there were hits in spanish, but spanish was not displayed in the language facet list




simple search: genero


simple search: monographie


Data Provider

  1. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (5)

1 - the result lists generally displayed titles where none of the words were contained in the title, author or year, but in the text of the abstract and notes of the item page.

2 - single journal volumes were displayed for serial runs, they blocked all intelligent search attempts and spammed the results list with over and over the same journal title.


F. Welter-Schultes Zoologisches Institut, Berliner Str. 28, D-37073 Goettingen Phone +49 551 395536, Fax +49 551 395579

lobajuluwa commented 12 years ago

Update from The Hague_Portal Review Workshop: - 1.2.10 search for publishing country/language – needs to be in the metadata then it can be done. An extra issue to be created for country – assign it to Chris.

November release: language stays 1.2.10

janahoffmann commented 12 years ago

Done! see #237 or this issue @lobajuluwa

lobajuluwa commented 12 years ago

Thanks Jana! @janahoffmann

lobajuluwa commented 12 years ago

removing search by publication location