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Cyperus setiger/setigerus #114

Open gbif-portal opened 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

Cyperus setiger/setigerus

There are two orthographic variants presented apart as "species" that need merging

The technically correct spelling would be "setiger"

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sjl197 commented 1 year ago

I submitted the above through the system.

I've since got a private email from Dr. R. Govaerts. Paraphrased as - the original setigerus should be maintained. Else - at a the last botanical conference the proposal to change to setiger was defeated

POWO -> CoL. "setigerus"

Having both variants recognised by gbif is of course desirable, but adds confusion when presented as apparent equals. This aspect to me is something that can still be investigated on gbif and ideally improved here.

The now supposedly rejected "setiger" is still presented as seeming more authoritative, ie. "source: The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP)". But perhaps that just something that updates of sources to feed through on own update.