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Species name alteration of Lepidoptera from iapyx from iapix #120

Open gbif-portal opened 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

Species name alteration of Lepidoptera from iapyx from iapix

The original spelling of the species name is iapyx

Insecta: Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae Currently on gbif as "Tajuria iapix (Hewitson, 1865)" From original Iolaus iapyx Hewitson, p. 45. source:

The author repeatedly uses greek names from locations, historical figures or as here seemingly from mythology - "Lapyx -"

As such, noun in apposition. I see no reason from within ICZN regulations, nor 'widespread later usage' issues, nor extraneous arguments from Lep community; that could justify later alteration from the original lapyx

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sjl197 commented 1 year ago

The header here should read request as "from iapix to iapyx" Else that greek mythology link is inline with request as source "Iapyx" (mistyped above as Lapyx).

Additional link to gbif

Same issue on CoL