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Synonym update and mispelling fix needed for Vaccinium alaskaense #142

Open gbif-portal opened 1 year ago

gbif-portal commented 1 year ago

Synonym update and mispelling fix needed for Vaccinium alaskaense

Vaccinium alaskense ( is a misspelling of Vaccinium alaskaense (, as stated on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System website, and the occurrence records listed for V. alaskense should be combined with or at least linked to the ones for V. alaskaense. Both the Integrated Taxonomic Information System and World Plants websites list V. alaskaense as a synonym of Vaccinium ovalifolium. This synonym is recorded on the GBIF page for the misspelled V. alaskense but not for the correct V. alaskaense, and the V. alaskaense page should be updated to include this information.

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