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Subspecies abbreviations in Animal names #266

Open gbif-portal opened 2 years ago

gbif-portal commented 2 years ago

Subspecies abbreviations in Animal names

I wondered why you show subspecies abbreviations in names of animal species on the website. In our database we are investigating the best way to store names of infraspecies and our zoologists told us that it is not usual practice to put any rank abbreviation in the name of a subspecies because in zoology you don't have forms or varieties, only subspecies. This is contrary to botany where you have all of these and therefore having the abbrveiation var., subsp., or f. in the name is very useful. I guess the gbif taxonomic backbone allows for both ways of writing to be found: eg. Ochlodes venatus subsp. faunus and Ochlodes venatus faunus. What i also wondered is how are the animal taxon names of infraspecies stored in gbif taxonomic backbone database and the reasons why one or the other form are used? In our example: Ochlodes venatus subsp. faunus OR Ochlodes venatus faunus? Thank you for information that would be very helpful to take a decision on which rule to implement in our database. Best wishes Tania Walisch

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ahahn-gbif commented 2 years ago

(user contacted by email via helpdesk, 27.4.22)