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Nomenclatural issues with Phlebia albida #295

Open gbif-portal opened 2 years ago

gbif-portal commented 2 years ago

Nomenclatural issues with Phlebia albida

Phlebia albida HPost and Phlebia albida Fr. are treated as different species. They are not. They are the same species with different opinions on who should be the author. Under Phlebia albida HPost Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculatum Hallenb. & E. Larss. and Phlebia tuberculata (Hallenb. & E. Larss.) Ghob-Nejh. are listed as synonyms. They are not. Phlebia livida ssp tuberculata and Phlebia tuberculata is a different species

Stereophlebia tuberculata is currently regarded as the accepted name with Phlebia albida HPost and Phlebia albida Fr. as synonyms.

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CecSve commented 2 years ago

Catalogue of Life has been notified of the Stereophlebia tuberculata authorship issue regarding synonyms in

CecSve commented 2 months ago

Phlebia albida is now considered a synonym of Cytidiella albida (H. Post) C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu in COL.

Phlebia livida is considered a synonym of Mycoacia livida (Pers.) Zmitr. in COL.

Phlebia tuberculata is considered a synonym of Stereophlebia tuberculata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Zmitr. in COL

will contact the user and ask if the updated COL names makes sense.

CecSve commented 2 months ago

I asked the user for feedback on whether the new placements are correct and received the following answer:

The transfer of Phebia albida to Cytidiella was based on a misidentified specimen and the combination Cytidiella albida, although valid, should not be used. The names are of course synonyms but the placement in Cystidiella is wrong. This will be explained in a paper in preparation.

Phlebia livida is correctly placed in Mycoacia.

Phlebia tuberculata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Ţura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin is a synonym of Stereophlebia tuberculata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Zmitr.

the invalid name Phlebia tuberculata (Hallenb. & E. Larss.) Ghob.-Nejh is not a synonym. This species has currently no valid name on species level and should be called [Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata Hallenb. & E. Larss. ](Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata Hallenb. & E.Larss., 1993). A valid name will be published in a forthcoming paper.

GBIF currently lists Phlebia albida Fr. (= Phlebia albida H.Post) and Stereum subcostatum P. Karst. as synonyms under Stereophlebia tuberculata (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Zmitr.. This synonomy is still not finally confirmed but should be used until proven wrong.

There is an issue with Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata Hallenb. & E.Larss., 1993 which is in the current backbone but is considered a synonym of Cytidiella albida (H.Post) C.C.Chen & Sheng H.Wu. However, it is uncertain whether the name will shift to be a synonym of Mycoacia livida (Pers.) Zmitr. or a synonym of Agaricus Linnaeus, 1753 in the next backbone. COL get both names from United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI) and I will contact the checklist publisher and ask if they could look into the issue.

The user has been notified that the name changes need to be published before we can consider them as sources that could justify a change.

CecSve commented 1 month ago

United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI) has replied the following:

[Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata Hallenb. & E. Larss] One of the entries came from 2005 and another 2016 and the one pointing to "Agaricus" is a very strange entry that does not make sense hence it was deprecated. Whether Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata should be on the British list at all is another question. This subspecies is not listed on the Kew Basidiomycete checklist although Phlebia livida is listed.

I get the current names of fungi from Index Fungorum which unfortunately does list the current name of Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata ( I also cross check against Mycobank but this says that the current name is Phlebia livida subsp. tuberculata - see

Based on this feedback, it seems that the error has been corrected at the source but when I checked, the change had not happened in COL. @DianRHR and @camiplata - I am unsure if action is required on COL side and the status should be 'Editorial review' - FYI, I have contacted the source and asked them to update the checklist published to COL which may fix the issue then.

camiplata commented 1 month ago

Hi @CecSve UKSI is already a source of the xrelease, so once the author confirms that the change has been made we can move it to the xrelease pile, from the COL team there is not further action needed. Nevertheless, I would like to let you now that given other issues with this source we are assessing if we can use it or not, but as the authors are very responsive probably we can manage those issues at the source and keep it... we will let you know