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Hebrus pusillus subsp. pombasi Poisson in Lindberg, 1959 #82

Open gbif-portal opened 9 months ago

gbif-portal commented 9 months ago

Hebrus pusillus subsp. pombasi Poisson in Lindberg, 1959 marked doubtful)

Hebrus pusillus subsp. pombasi, with 2 records, was described by Poisson in a paper attributed to Lindberg.

The two records refer to the same name and could be treated as synonyms, although technically they aren't, but just variants of a single name.

Cheers, Jere Kahanpää

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ktotsum commented 8 months ago

@DaveNicolson Hebrus pusillus pombasi Lindberg, 1958 on ITIS

Hebrus pusillus pombasi Poisson, 1959 in this reference

DaveNicolson commented 8 months ago

The first note seems to be correct, as Lindberg apparently attributed the name to Poisson. So in ITIS we will correct its authorship to Poisson in Lindberg, 1959, assuming we verify it in Lindberg (1959:125)... We apparently missed this detail on the first pass through (either that, or it was judged that under the Code it must be attributed to Lindberg alone... but in that case a comment noting the discrepancy would have been appropriate, to avoid having to revisit it in the future).

DaveNicolson commented 8 months ago

Oh, and yes, it also looks like the work has been dated to 1959, rather than the cover date of 1958 (which ITIS used), so we will also have a look at that.