gbif / backbone-feedback

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simple spelling issue on single species #98

Open gbif-portal opened 11 months ago

gbif-portal commented 11 months ago

simple spelling issue on single species

Paradohertya triphasia Bethune-Baker, 1904 should be trifascia

per original description

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sjl197 commented 10 months ago

In such future cases - where it's backbone issues that seem linked to CoL, i could just add to the CoL github, would that be preferable?

ktotsum commented 10 months ago

We review issues and forward to the relevant people, so if you know the source is COL, that would be the quickest way. Please note that it could take time to fix backbone issues, as we usually update the backbone twice a year.

jhnwllr commented 5 days ago

json for auto-checking: { "currentName": "Paradohertya triphasia Bethune-Baker, 1904", "proposedName": "Paradohertya trifascia Bethune-Baker, 1904" }