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simple issue that COL import mislinks as subspecies #99

Open gbif-portal opened 11 months ago

gbif-portal commented 11 months ago

simple issue that COL import mislinks as subspecies

Tabanus biannularis Philip, 1960

Seems to have a redundant linked entry, effectively listing the same species again (misduplicated to appear as a synonym?) (seems from import then merger?)

Taxonomy in paper below - seems easy - one species, one synonym of different name and authorship.

Tabanus biannularis Philip, 1960. Syn. Tabanus bicinctus Ricardo, 1911: 132.

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ktotsum commented 10 months ago

Accepted name is Tabanus (Tabanus) biannularis Philip, 1960 in the checklist bank and the source in the portal, but it appears as Tabanus biannularis Philip, 1960 in the backbone.

Valid Name is Tabanus (Tabanus) biannularis Philip for Tabanus biannularis Philip, 1960 and Tabanus bicinctus Ricardo, 1911 in the source (Systema Dipterorum).

sjl197 commented 10 months ago

From above not clear if that's just adding more context of links etc, or if there's some fundamental misunderstanding of the issue

It's that in backbone the species is being listed as a synonymy of itself.

But indeed might be due to import issues relating to adding subgenus name that's the same as the species. Else, it's twice in the "[source in the portal]"