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CrowdIn translation project #1

Open kcopas opened 3 years ago

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Ready here:

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

Done, although I will need an Arabic translation for the bits of text like "This document is also available in PDF format and in other languages", "Other Formats", "Contribute" etc.

This can either go as a pull request to make a new version of this file: called attributes-ar.adoc.

Or, just let me know the translations:

:also_links_pre_text: pass:[This document is also available in ]
:also_links_pdf_link_text: PDF format
:also_links_languages_pre_text: pass:[ and in other languages: ]
:also_links_languages_separator: pass:[, ]
:also_links_post_text: .

:other_formats_text: Other Formats
:pdf_file_text: PDF file
:contribute_title_text: Contribute
:contribute_improve_text: Improve this document
:contribute_edit_text: Edit on GitHub
:contribute_issue_text: Create an issue

Wikipedia says "Only the Arabic question mark ⟨؟⟩ and the Arabic comma ⟨،⟩ are used in regular Arabic script typing and the comma is often substituted for the Latin script comma (,)."

:also_links_languages_separator: might be a normal Latin , or an Arabic ،.

Similar for :also_links_post_text:, if that should be ۔ (Arabic Full Stop).

See for an example of non-Latin punctuation.