Why is this important: Invasive species checklist (and associated occurrences) from one of Spain's autonomous communities. Could be used in coordination with or as a regional test of the GRIIS checklist (http://griis.org) for Spain.
Priority: medium
License: Unspecified
Comments: CREAF already publishes data through GBIF Spain and works closely with them on many projects, including Natusfera.
Dataset link: http://exocat.creaf.cat
Region: Catalunya
Taxon: Invasive species
Type: checklist
Why is this important: Invasive species checklist (and associated occurrences) from one of Spain's autonomous communities. Could be used in coordination with or as a regional test of the GRIIS checklist (http://griis.org) for Spain.
Priority: medium
License: Unspecified
Comments: CREAF already publishes data through GBIF Spain and works closely with them on many projects, including Natusfera.
Dataholders contact information: Joan.Pino@uab.es
Users contact info: kcopas@gbif.org