Why is this important: This data is long-term monitoring of coastal wetland vegetation. It is a well-used dataset but, as far as I know, is not integrated into the biodiversity informatics world yet.
Priority: low
Comments: https://lacoast.gov/crms/ This data is hosted by USGS, and GBIF-US will work on this when we find some time.
Dataset link: https://cims.coastal.la.gov/monitoring-data/
Region: Louisiana, USA (Gulf of Mexico)
Taxon: Wetland Vegetation
Type: Occurrence
Why is this important: This data is long-term monitoring of coastal wetland vegetation. It is a well-used dataset but, as far as I know, is not integrated into the biodiversity informatics world yet.
Priority: low
Comments: https://lacoast.gov/crms/ This data is hosted by USGS, and GBIF-US will work on this when we find some time.
Dataholders contact information: piazzas@usgs.gov
Users contact info: sformel@usgs.gov