Comments: "We are currently piloting the population genetics monitoring scheme on a single widespread species, Maniola jurtina (L.), for which have developed new microsatellite markers. Samples from long term population monitoring sites (i.e. UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme transect routes) have been collected over four years (2012 to 2015) from 15 sites in central Southern England. The protocol involves collecting 20 individuals from each site and storing these in -20°C freezers before DNA is extracted, purified and amplified using microsatellite primers. From September 2016, A PhD student (Matthew Greenwell), will co-ordinate an expansion of sample collection across more UK sites, as well as sites across Europe.
Interested in being involved?
The BGEMS team is a partnership between the University of Reading and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. The team currently consists of Dr. Tom Oliver, Dr. Marc Botham, Dr. John Day, Dr. Melanie Gibbs, Matthew Greenwell and Dr. David Roy. We particularly welcome collaborators to who would be prepared to collect annual samples from long-term population monitoring sites, especially in other countries. We also invite collaboration from research teams who may propose innovative ideas to make use of archived samples. For further information, please email:"
Butterfly GEnetics Monitoring Scheme (BGEMS): 2020 Pilot study
Region: UK
Taxon: Maniola jurtina
Type: sampling event
Why is this important:
Comments: "We are currently piloting the population genetics monitoring scheme on a single widespread species, Maniola jurtina (L.), for which have developed new microsatellite markers. Samples from long term population monitoring sites (i.e. UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme transect routes) have been collected over four years (2012 to 2015) from 15 sites in central Southern England. The protocol involves collecting 20 individuals from each site and storing these in -20°C freezers before DNA is extracted, purified and amplified using microsatellite primers. From September 2016, A PhD student (Matthew Greenwell), will co-ordinate an expansion of sample collection across more UK sites, as well as sites across Europe.
Interested in being involved?
The BGEMS team is a partnership between the University of Reading and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. The team currently consists of Dr. Tom Oliver, Dr. Marc Botham, Dr. John Day, Dr. Melanie Gibbs, Matthew Greenwell and Dr. David Roy. We particularly welcome collaborators to who would be prepared to collect annual samples from long-term population monitoring sites, especially in other countries. We also invite collaboration from research teams who may propose innovative ideas to make use of archived samples. For further information, please email:"
Dataholders contact information:
Users contact info: dschigel