Why is this important: ~40K open-access survey records of Anopheles spp. Could be overlap with 105K records already in GBIF.org, but hard to tell. "The survey records we collate are not owned by the Malaria Atlas Project but if the data has come from a public source, or if the source of the data has provided permission, they are available for download from this web site via the Data Explorer which can be found at the bottom of every page. There are no restrictions to access or use of the data but we request that the original source details (provided with all data downloads) are cited."
Anopheles dominant vector species (DVS) occurrence data
Dataset link: http://www.map.ox.ac.uk/explorer/#EntityPlace:Anopheline
Region: Global
Taxon: Anopheles
Type: occurrence
Why is this important: ~40K open-access survey records of Anopheles spp. Could be overlap with 105K records already in GBIF.org, but hard to tell. "The survey records we collate are not owned by the Malaria Atlas Project but if the data has come from a public source, or if the source of the data has provided permission, they are available for download from this web site via the Data Explorer which can be found at the bottom of every page. There are no restrictions to access or use of the data but we request that the original source details (provided with all data downloads) are cited."
Priority: low
License: CC0 1.0
Bibliographic reference: Providing open access data online to advance malaria research and control
Dataholders contact information: mailto:map@well.ox.ac.uk
Users contact info: @kcopas