gbif / doc-freshwater-data-publishing-guide
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GBIF-required metadata #20

Open CecSve opened 3 months ago

CecSve commented 3 months ago

Feedback for:

The first sentence is a repetition of the beginning of the last section and can be deleted:

The metadata required by GBIF describes details about a dataset that include its scope, ownership and usage rights.

The next section:

When datasets are downloaded individually from GBIF, the XML metadata file is included and metadata fields from this table are automatically added to the occurrence file. When data are selected for download from within a polygon (thereby choosing data from multiple studies over a given geographic area), less of the metadata is provided in the occurrence table, but the permanent link to the data selection (provided by GBIF with the data download) allows the user to explore metadata for each individual project.

is referring to the use of data and not the publishing of data. I would recommend deleting it as well as it might be confusing for a publisher.

MattBlissett commented 3 months ago

The "Terms" in the table here are the labels from the IPT's metadata editor interface, not the EML (or GBIF Metadata Profile) term names.

The "required" fields are not correct, e.g. geographic coverage is optional — though recommended, of course.

The citation field from metadata is generally not used within GBIF.

jenlento commented 2 weeks ago

@CecSve Thank you for the suggestions. We deleted the first sentence as suggested. For the next paragraph, we prefer to leave this text in, as it is a situation where it's useful for those providing data to understand what happens to the metadata and how this information is provided to the user. We've added "It is useful to know..." to the start of this paragraph.

@MattBlissett These terms and list of required terms came from the list that is mandatory on the IPT. We are not clear why EML or GBIF Metadata Profile would differ, and this is something we had earlier pointed out to GBIF and noted that it needed discussion and clarification with GBIF. If users are providing data, they must provide the data that are required on the IPT, otherwise data cannot be pushed to GBIF.

As far as the citation field, when data are downloaded from GBIF, the data come with the citation field. Therefore, it is in the best interests of data providers to fill this field.

jenlento commented 3 days ago

Leaving this open in case anyone wants to discuss the issue of required terms.

MattBlissett commented 2 days ago

I think the terms being in monospace font and having had spaces removed suggests these are technical identifiers, but they are not — they are the labels used in the IPT interface.

For example, the EML elements abstract, intellectualRights and creator are labelled as "Description", "Licence" and "Resource creator" in the IPT's user interface.

It's not necessary to use the IPT to publish data to GBIF, although it is the most common method.

We don't use the citation field from the EML. Dataset citations are generated from the dataset contacts and organization.