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identification​Verification​Status #29

Closed MattBlissett closed 3 days ago

MattBlissett commented 3 months ago

Use "1" for a verification through a renown expert and "0" for an unverified taxon.

I can't find the vocabulary that defines 1 as verification by a renowned expert.

As it's a recommended field we should link to one. uses words, and page 42 of uses numbers:

Content of Field            Meaning

    0   The name of the record has not been checked by any authority
    1   The name of the record determined by comparison with other named plants
    2   The name of the record determined by a taxonomist or by other competent persons using herbarium and/or library and/or documented living material
    3   The name of the plant determined by taxonomist engaged in systematic revision of the group
    4   The record is part of type gathering or propagated from type material by asexual methods

We don't currently index the field, but I think it's likely we'd choose to present data using words rather than opaque integers.

DeboraArlt commented 3 months ago

Words will be more informative. Integers need additional information to be able to know what the numbers stand for. In the Swedish citizen science dataset Artportalen a quite complex set of values is used:

jenlento commented 3 days ago

As this has not yet been indexed, we have suggested the use of the terms "verified", "unverified", and "requires verification" for now. This can be edited when the terms are indexed.