gbif / doc-private-sector-data-publishing

The purpose of this document is to work as a template for an internal documentation process to be presented to the company's decision-making bodies to inform and support their decision in becoming a GBIF publisher.
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Next quarterly update March 2024 #28

Open akristensen opened 6 months ago

akristensen commented 6 months ago

NEW - Check on publishing status

Companhia Águas de Joinville: registered data publisher from Brazil

ECA Liquefaction, Mexico—first client coming in through Citibank with the goal of meeting the Equator Principles recommendation

Sky Kapital Europe, newly endorsed by France

kcopas commented 2 weeks ago

Note that despite registering as a publisher, data from ECA Liquifaction (above) is coming in via CONABIO. The easiest way to see the datasets is through this list, while you can explore the 22,000+ records here.

Would be good to accommodate this in the table, as it's likely our first data to come in via the Equator Principles—even though Citibank has pulled out of that group (cf.).

If we're going to make use of machine tags to simplify our process of generating numbers like this, these five (nominal) CONABIO datasets should get one. cc: @jhnwllr @javiesgm @dnoesgaard