gbif / doc-private-sector-data-publishing

The purpose of this document is to work as a template for an internal documentation process to be presented to the company's decision-making bodies to inform and support their decision in becoming a GBIF publisher.
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New additions for Table 1 #6

Closed kcopas closed 3 years ago

kcopas commented 3 years ago

While we're not in a position to find these any other way than manually, I want to record and park some additions for the table of private-sector data publishers.

From Colombia via Dairo:

from Brazil via @GBIF Dodo

from Brazil via text search for empresa

kcopas commented 3 years ago

New dataset here, plus a spike in records from EDP to catch up to, at minimum.

@akristensen, maybe we could find the time for a quick update to the figures in Table 1

akristensen commented 3 years ago

Sure @kcopas just book me in outlook, after 11 is best for me

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Additional publishers via GBIF Dodo and the registry (all Colombia):

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Registered but not yet publishing:

dagendresen commented 3 years ago

Some Norwegian private sector companies publishing through Artskart (one big dataset) (and thus not independently registered in GBIF - yet)

CristinaGBIF commented 3 years ago

Three Spanish companies publishing records through GBIF:

EstebanMH-SiB commented 3 years ago

Additional publisher for Colombia:

kcopas commented 3 years ago

@jlegind flagged a new NL publisher (data added 2 Feb 2021):

Regelink Ecology & Landscape

Suggest we move any endorsed but not-yet-publishing organizations to a new issue for the next update when you've completed the actionable items here @akristensen—that way we can show progress and clear the decks for more later.

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Newly endorsed publisher from India, but no data as of yet, so they'll probably carry over:

kcopas commented 3 years ago

@akristensen be sure to click through for updated totals on any of the new ones listed—see f.eks. the one added by @EstebanMH-SiB above, which has added a dataset since he commented.

akristensen commented 3 years ago

Three Spanish companies publishing records through GBIF:

Three Spanish companies publishing records through GBIF:

Hi @CristinaGBIF not sure what category BosquesNaturales would be, is it wrong if we call it Retail, from what I could see on their homepage it looks like they produce furniture among alot of other things, but also have programs to plant trees?

CristinaGBIF commented 3 years ago

Hi @akristensen , not sure if Retail fits well. They grow wood and produce wood products. Lumber company?

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Just catching up to this (busy day—sorry). List this as Materials, please @akristensen.

akristensen commented 3 years ago

Hi @akristensen , not sure if Retail fits well. They grow wood and produce wood products. Lumber company?

thanks will go with Kyle's Materials suggestion. Have a great day.

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Just fyi, my suggestion of Materials aligns with a standard corporate classification we're using to organize our private-sector outreach.

akristensen commented 3 years ago

Just fyi, my suggestion of Materials aligns with a standard corporate classification we're using to organize our private-sector outreach.

Thanks Kyle, do we have a list with terms, yesterday I also "invented " Technology", but was really not sure I found it to be the right term for classification of Navantia, SA

kcopas commented 3 years ago

Global Industry Classification Standard , aka GICS