gbif / doc-publishing-dna-derived-data

This guide shows how to publish DNA-derived spatiotemporal biodiversity data and make it discoverable through national and global biodiversity data discovery platforms. Based on experiences from Australia, Norway, Sweden, UNITE, and GBIF.
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Add description to "eventDate" 2.2.1. Mapping metabarcoding (eDNA) and barcoding data #138

Closed ManonGros closed 3 years ago

ManonGros commented 3 years ago

It would be good to remind users that the eventDate should be formatted with the ISO format. I suggest at least putting the link to the Darwin Core definition:

ManonGros commented 3 years ago

Also in "2.2.2. Mapping ddPCR / qPCR data"

MattBlissett commented 3 years ago

The term names themselves are links (with term:dwc[eventDate]), although I think a reminder about the ISO format is still useful.

dschigel commented 3 years ago

I see @ManonGros implemented this